Sunday, January 4, 2015


3904,7 R. Underground 17.37- 35343 E
4026 LHH 17.35- 45333 E
6200 LHH 09.22- 25332 E
6205,9 unid 15.03- 25332 mx
6209,5 Time R. 09.47- 25322 E
6210USB unid 16.29- 25332 mx
6238,4 R. Underground (tent.) 16.51- 25222 E
6240 R. Hitmix (tent.) 15.00- 45333 mx
6255 R. NorthPole 16.15- 45444 E
6263,5 unid 14.06- 34333 E
6265 unid 09.24- 13221 mx
6285 unid 14.28- 45333 mx
6285 unid 14.59- 25332 mx
6285,1 unid 09.15- 25332 mx
6290,5 R. Goofy 15.48- 24332 mx
6300 unid 10.05- 15331 mx
6305 R. Telstar 15.24- 44444 D, E
6305 R. Montferland 16.43- 35333 D, E
6325 Zender Akenzo (tent.) 15.26- 25332 D
6375 unid 14.25- 35343 D
6376,5 unid 14.30- 25332 mx
6385 R. Python 15.27- 35333 E
6450 R. Baken 16 (tent.) 15.22- 23332 mx
7700,1 FRS Holland 10.02- 35333 E
9010USB&LSB Miniradio 14.51- 35333 mx
9334,7 FRS Holland 10.00- 24332 E
11155LSB Miniradio 14.33- 25332 mx
15705 WMR 15.40- 25232 E

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Rick!
Thanks that you had been able to receive us there just before on 6290,5...we are still on the air.

Radio Goofy