Sunday, March 28, 2010

3905 unid 18.36- 24332 mx
3932 Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 18.36- 24332 mx
5820 Orion Radio 07.35- 34322 E
6200 Radio Geronimo SW 09.03- 24322 E, mp3
6210 unid 11.20- 24332 mx
6220 Mystery R. (tent.) 07.36- 24332 mx
6263,9 unid 09.04- 14331 only visible
6265 Radio Scirocco 09.50- 35322 D, QSO
6266 unid 09.57- 15331 only visible
6280 Radio Shadow (tent.) 07.37- 25332 mx
6280,2 Radio Merlin Int.(tent.) *07.39-07.46* 22332 carrier
6289,8 unid 09.33- 15331 only visible
6295 unid 14.00- 25332 mx
6296 unid 10.53- 35422 mx
6305,1 Radio Merlin Int.(tent.) 08.01- 25332 E
6306 unid 10.34- 25332 mx
6310 unid 11.07- 24322 mx
6310 Radio Malaisy (tent.) 14.01- 34333 mx
6310,3 Radio Scirocco 09.31-09.47* 25332 D, E
6320,5 Radio Scirocco 09.00- 24332 D
6325 unid 08.06- 24332 mx
6420 unid 09.02- 14331 only visible
6550 Radio Hamamelis (tent.) 08.06- 25322 mx
7610,1 Radio Amica 08.03- 25332 It.
12257,1 WR Int. 09.10- 25322 E

Saturday, March 27, 2010

3905 unid 18.30- 24332 mx
3940 unid 18.32- 14331 mx
6211 Radio Spaceshuttle Int. 11.10-11.18* 45444 E
6220 Radio Playback and Mystery 15.50- 34333 E
6240,4 Misti Radio (tent.) 09.31- 25322 mx
6300 Radio Tina 09.26- 35333 G
6300,9 Radio Mustang 13.17-13.27* 25332 E, D, mp3
6310 Radio Altrex (tent.) 09.30- 15331 only visible
6324,7 Radio Monte Carlo (tent.) 10.19- 25332 mx
6325 unid 17.05-17.28* 24332 D
6375 unid 18.38- 24322 mx
6420 unid 18.41- 13321 mx
6553,3 Radio Galaxy 09.24- 35322 E

Sunday, March 21, 2010

3905 Skyline Int. Radio (tent.) 16.02- 24332 mx
3905 Skyline Int. Radio 18.10- 45333 E, D , 1.mp3, 2.mp3
3910,06 Radio Pandora (tent.) 14.01- 15321 mx
4025 LHH (tent.) 18.22- 24332 E
5775 Radio Bluestar (tent) 08.58- 24322 mx
5800 Radio Continental (tent.) 08.40- 25322 mx
6175,1 Radio Zuzuki 09.01- 14321 mx
6205 Radio Borderhunter 08.44- 35333 E
6205,5 R. Spaceshuttle Int. 10.28- 45433 E
6205,5 CoolAM / Spaceshuttle 11.15- 45433 E
6210,7 CoolAM / Spaceshuttle 13.42- 45444 E
6210,7 Radio Spaceshuttle Int. 15.48- 45444 Fi, E
6220 Mystery R. (tent.) 08.03- 24332 mx
6240,4 Misti Radio (tent.) 08.53- 15321 mx
6270 Radio Shadow (tent.) 08.10- 14331 only visible
6280,04 Radio Merlin Int. 08.01- 24332 E
6290,05 unid 08.29- 25332 mx
6298 Magic AM (tent.) 08.49- 25332 mx
6304,8 R. Merlin Int. 15.25- 25332 E
6305,9 Radio Altrex (tent.) 08.05- 15331 mx
6305,9 Radio Brandaris 11.59- 25332 E
6310,8 Radio Rainbow (tent.) 09.15- 24332 mx
6325 unid 11.30- 25322 D
6325,05 Radio Quintus 08.20- 24332 D
6374,9 R. Baken 16 15.37- 24332 E
6375,1 R. Scirocco 15.56- 24332 D, QSO
6395 VOTN 12.00- 34333 E
6400 unid 15.15- 23322 mx
6414,05 unid 15,18- 24332 mx
6416 unid 15.28- 23332 mx
6424,9 unid 14.27- 24332 mx
6450,2 Radio Marconi 12.19- 35322 E
6912 Radio Continental (tent.) 11.55- 25311 mx
6960 Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 12.17- 25322 mx
7610,05 Radio Amica 08.07- 25332 It.
9289,8 Radio Spaceshuttle Int.(tent.) 09.53- 25311 mx
9289,96 Mike Radio 08.55- 35433 E
11485 Radio Bluestar (tent) 09.11- 25332 mx
15070,1 Cupid Radio 09.24- 45433 E, 1.mp2, 2.mp3, 3.mp3, 4.mp3, 5.mp3
15425,7 unid 11.17- 25311 mx

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Radio Black Arrow test by 20 and 70 watts today at 08.21UTC on 6305,6kHz in mp3 file

3500LSB 3500 test 15.40- 14321 mx
3905LSB 3500 test 16.47- 24322 mx
3932,1 Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 20.28- 24332 mx
4025 LHH (tent.) 21.28- 23332 E
5805 Radio Bluestar (tent) 12.28- 25322 mx
5815 Radio Bluestar (tent) 10.49- 15331 only visible
6199,9 Misti Radio (tent.) 08.26- 25322 mx
6205,45 CoolAM /Spaceshuttle 13.36- 44444 E
6215,5 King SW (tent.) 10.15- 13321 only visible
6220 Mystery Radio 17.00- 44333 mx, jingle
6220 Radio Playback and Mystery 17.55- 44333 E, It, G
6220,6v Radio Spaceshuttle Int. 15.23-16.29* 44444 E, Fi
6240,5 Misti Radio (tent.) 09.41- 14321 only visible
6279,9 Radio Altrex (tent.) 08.29- 14331 mx
6280,05 Radio Merlin Int.(tent.) 15.07- 11331 only visible
6290 unid 15.55- 34322 mx
6295 unid 13.01- 34333 mx
6304,8 Radio Merlin Int. 15.17- 24332 E
6305 unid 12.47- 15331 mx
6305,6 Radio Black Arrow 08.18-08.22* 35333 E, test
6310 unid 10.10- 14321 only visible
6316,1 unid 09.50- 14321 only visible
6322,3v Radio Caroline Int. (tent.) 10.00- 14321 only visible
6323,6 Radio Scirocco 13.01- 23332 D
6324,7 Radio Monte Carlo 12.22- 24332 mx
6325v Radio Galaxy 09.07-09.47* 25332 mx
6325 Radio Borderhunter 14.00- 34333 D, QSO
6325 Radio Tina 14.29-14.47* 24332 E
6325 Radio Baken 16 15.38- 24332 E
6325,1 Radio Scirocco 13.30-, 14.16- 34322 D, QSO
6374,7 unid 12.18-,15.18- 12331 only visible
6374,9 Radio Baken 16 15.18- 22332 mx
6376,45 Radio Dutchwing (tent.) 12.18- 23332 mx
6450,65 unid 15.09- 24332 mx
6523,8 Radio Ramona (tent.) 08.40- 15321 mx
6925 Spider Radio 20.55- 24322 mx
6959,9 Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 08.31- 25332 mx
7610 Radio Amica (tent.) 11.30- 25322 It.
13875,6 BOB 15.02- 14331 mx

3900 Radio Boomerang 20.48-20.52* 45444 E
3932,1 Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 20.28- 23342 mx
3934 Radio Nova 20.31- 23332 mx, jingle
6220 R. Playback Int. via Mystery R. 18.30- 44433 E
6265,3 CoolAM /Spaceshuttle 13.39- 45444 E
6310,1 CoolAM /Spaceshuttle 15.38- 44433 E
6310,1 Radio Milliwatti 16.34-19.14* 44433 Fi, E
6325 Radio Mustang 19.08-19.55* 23332 D

Cupid Radio on air in sunday

Hello friends,

Doing the big pile of reports from the east continent valentine broadcast , I have worked out a new broadcast
for sunday 21 of march
This date was chosen because some japanese dx`rs will try to receive me.

The last px was heard in severall country`s from the east, there were loads of reports from japan, kazakhstan, NewZealand, ukranie , russia , and the edges of europe , good working that day
I hope that the conditions will be as good like februarie
my scedule is

sunday 21 march
freq 15.070 MHZ
start 09:00 utc : ending 11:00 utc
TX: 400 watts
antenna 3 elements beam aimed at 45 degrees from qth , straight over russia , china, korea, japan , New Zealand
The frequencie will be 15.070 mhz

lets hope the signal will stop again in newzealand

any report is welkom

cupid radio
p.o. box 9
8096 ZG

well happy dx all

Sunday, March 14, 2010

35th Dutch National Radio Flea market 2010.
Rosmalen, saturday, the 13th of March 2010.
3932 Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 19.41- 25332 mx
3939,98 Radio Amica (tent.) 17.30- 14321 mx
5805 R. Bluestar 09.48- 25322 mx
5815,02 Orion R. 08.30- 34322 E
6209,9 unid 11.50- 25322 mx
6210 Radio Borderhunter 08.04- 44333 E
6210,2 unid 14.38- 14331 mx
6215,3 King SW (tent.) 09.04- 14321 only visible
6220 Mystery Radio 08.06-,16.05- 34322 mx, jingle
6240,1 Free Radio Victoria 08.42- 25332 E
6259,6 Radio Saxonia (tent.) 09.21- 14331 mx, low mod
6260 Radio Scotland Int. 09.51-09.56* 32332 E
6265 Radio Doorzetter (tent.) 08.16- 15331 mx
6270,1 Radio Spaceshuttle Int. 09.46- 45444 E
6275 Radio Shadow (tent.) 08.45- 15331 mx
6280v Radio Spaceshuttle Int. 09.58- 45444 E, Fi
6300 Radio Shadowman 10.07- 33333 E
6302,2 unid 15.57-16.01* 25332 mx
6307 Radio North Pole (tent.) 14.07- 23332 mx, QSO
6307,2 Radio Titanic (tent.) 14.49-14.51* 24332 mx
6310 unid 09.42- 24322 mx
6310 Radio Black Power 10.07- 24332 E
6310,1 Radio Spaceshuttle Int. 09.37-09.42* 44444 E
6310,1 Radio Spaceshuttle Int. -14.16* 44433 E
6324,9 Radio Caroline Int. (tent.) 08.35- 14331 mx
6325 unid 11.53- 15321 only visible
6375,9 unid 08.17- 15331 mx
6395,2 unid 14.15- 24332 D, QSO
6399 unid 08.34- 25322 mx
6425,25 Radio Alice (tent.) 14.14-,-15.18* 25332 E
6450,1 Radio Marconi (tent.) 14.04-14.11* 24332 D, E, QSO
6960,25 Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 14.10- 25322 mx
7610,05 Radio Amica (tent.) 08.40- 25322 mx
7685 Radio Baken 16 10.23- 25322 E
9290,27 Radio Polaris 08.25- 25332 E
9290,3 Radio Spaceshuttle Int. 10.21- 45433 E, Fi

Saturday, March 13, 2010

3900 unid 08.38- 15331 only visible
3905 Radio Dakota (tent.) 19.29- 23322 mx
3939,95 Radio Amica (tent.) 20.05- 33322 It.
5775 Bluestar Radio (tent.) 16.45- 34333 carrier only
5775 Bluestar Radio (tent.) 17.46- 44333 mx
6209,9 Radio Black Arrow (tent.) 09.20-09.58* 24322 mx
6210 Radio Borderhunter 16.59- 44433 E
6210,2 Misti Radio (tent.) 11.12- 14331 mx
6215,3 King SW (tent.) 09.22- 13331 only visible
6220 Mystery Radio 18.11- 44433 mx, jingle
6220,5v Radio Spaceshuttle Int. 08.58-,-11.26* 45444 E, Fi
6302 Radio Trans Europe 18.00- 34333 E
6305,03 Radio Trans Europe (tent.) 10.57- 15331 mx
6310 Radio Black Power 14.43-14.49* 24332 D
6310 Radio Spaceshuttle Int. 17.48- 44433 E
6325,5v Radio Fox48 18.28- 24322 E
6374,8 Radio Black Arrow 18.09- 33322 mx
6425,25 Radio Alice 16.03- 24332 D
6529,7v Marine Broadcaster (tent.) 18.50- 14321 only visible
6944,9 Radio Black Arrow (tent.) 16.28-16.31* 33333 mx
6960,1v Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 16.25- 35333 mx
6960,2v Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 14.45- 15331 mx
7610,05 Radio Amica (tent.) 10.19- 24332 mx
9290,4 unid 10.16- 15421 only visible

3939,9 unid 20.04- 24322 mx
6960,1v Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 16.55- 34333 mx

Sunday, March 7, 2010

3905 Skyline Int. Radio 16.29- 35333 E
6210 Radio Borderhunter 08.13- 44333 E
6210,7 Radio Spaceshuttle Int. 09.47- 45444 E
6215,2 King SW (tent.) 08.55- 14321 mx
6220 Mystery Radio (tent.) 10.32- 24332 mx
6220 Radio Playback and Mystery 16.31- 34333 It.
6240,1 Free Radio Victoria 09.06- 35333 E
6259,6 unid 09.00- 14331 mx
6280,1 Radio Merlin Int. (tent.) 08.25- 23332 mx
6294,8 unid 10.07- 15331 mx
6298,8 unid 10.24- 23332 mx
6299,8 unid 17.13- 24322 E, QSO
6300 unid 18.00- 24311 mx
6300 Radio Shadow (tent.) 08.16- 25432 mx
6300,4 Radio Rob 007 16.32- 24332 E, D
6310 Radio Malaisy (tent.) 08.18- 34333 mx
6310 unid 16.27- 24322 E
6324,9 unid 10.44- 24232 mx
6375,9 Sonic Radio (tent.) 09.13- 14231 mx
6376,7 Radio Dutchwing 10.27- 34322 E
6398,2 unid 09.56- 24322 mx
6400,06 Radio Scotland Int. 09.17- 44333 E, QSO
6400,2 Radio Tornado 09.29- 25332 D, QSO
6550 Radio Brigitte (tent.) 09.11- 15331 only visible
7600 FRS Holland 11.08- 25332 E
7610,1 Radio Amica 08.57- 25332 It.
7685,2 Radio Polaris 08.02- 35433 mx, jingle
9289,5 Mike Radio 09.07- 35433 E
9290,2 Radio Spaceshuttle Int. 09.46- 35443 E
9300,8 FRS Holland 11.09- 25332 E
12257,2v WR Int. 08.30- 35433 E

Saturday, March 6, 2010

3900 Spaceman Radio 18.10- 44444 E
4025 LHH 19.35- 23332 mx
6215,2 King SW (tent.) 09.44- 15331 only visible
6220 Mystery Radio (tent.) 31.30- 33333 mx
6260 Radio Shadow (tent.) 10.29- 15331 only visible
6285 Voice of the Netherlands 10.41- 35333 E, QSO
6288 Radio Condor 11.22- 25322 mx
6290 Voice of the Netherlands 10.25- 35333 D
6294,8 Phoenix Radio (tent.) 16.50- 24332 mx
6300 unid 10.19- 32332 mx,
6300,9 Radio Mustang (tent.) 09.01- 25322 mx
6307 unid 11.16- 25332 D
6310 Radio North Pole (tent.) 10.45- 14331 mx
6310,1 Radio Spaceshuttle Int. 08.58- 45333 E, Fi
6324,7 Radio Monte Carlo 16.53- 24332 E
6326,33 Magic AM 12.08- 24332 E
6375,15 Radio Tina 09.03- 24322 E
6375,3 Radio BonteKoe (tent.) 10.35- 24322 mx
6400 unid 11.22- 11331 only visible
6400,1 unid 11.22- 11331 only visible
6416,2 Radio Dutchwing (tent.) 16.54- 24332 mx
6958,1 Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 11.40- 25322 mx
9290,15v Radio Spaceshuttle Int. (tent.) 12.36- 35322 Eurovision song contest
7610 Radio Amica 12.42- 24332 It.
3900 unid 20.06- 44433 mx
4025 LHH (tent.) 20.05- 23332 mx
5804 Radio Continental 20.30- 24322 E
6210,8 Radio Spaceshuttle Int. 21.10- 23332 E
6220 Mystery R. (tent.) 20.40- 34333 mx
6220,46 Radio Spaceshuttle Int. 15.30- 44433 E
6310 Spaceman Radio 20.36- 44433 E
6310,1 Radio Spaceshuttle Int. 16.20- 44444 E, Fi
6326 Spaceman Radio 21.07- 34333 E
6375,75 Radio Tina 15.57- 34333 E
6940,1 Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 16.01- 24332 mx

6210,5 Radio Spaceshuttle Int. 16.15- 44433 E, Fi