Sunday, January 18, 2015


3905 R. Alice  18.25- 35343 D
6207 R. Caroline Int. 16.21- 34333 mx, jingles
6220 Mystery R. 16.55- 31231 mx, jingle
6240,1 unid 15.24- 34333 D
6263,5 R. OZNRH (tent.) 15.23- 24332 jazz mx
6285 LHH 15.54- 34333 E
6298,8 Magic AM 15.48- 44444 E
6305 unid 15.20- 35333 mx
6305,1 R. Merlin Int.(tent.) 17.57- 34333 E
6307,2 unid 15.58- 14331 E
6320 Zender Akenzo 15.22- 35333 D
6330,3 unid 15.45- 34343 mx
6385 unid 16.03- 35343 D, QSO
6802,8 R. Pink Panther 16.00- 35343 E

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any further time many thanks for such log of us and have a nice evening, Rick!!!!!!!!!!
