Hello there, AM radio listeners!
I would like to thank you all for the response you have sent
me, regarding my radio station Asfalttelegrafen
on 1593 kHz. Some people say my station has already made
history, not only because I am a private person transmitting
on medium wave, but also because of the fact that The
National Library of Sweden requires copies of my broadcasts.
I think that is kind of cool. :)
The thing is, I had been thinking for a while about
developing my interest in medium wave and applying for a
temporary broadcast license on the mediun wave band. I
wanted to start a local radio station and broadcast mainly
rock music combined with political messages, in connection
with the Swedish general election which took place in
September. I wanted to play music that is usually not played
on mainstream radio stations. A contemporary version of
Radio Luxembourg, Caroline, Seagull, 10 Gold etcera, if you
will. I also wanted to include some Nordic rock that is
usually unheard of. I made it happen, and it turns out this
project was a success.
Therefore I am happy to inform you that I will broadcast
again! Please note, that this time around I will be
broadcasting on another frequency, 1476
kHz = 203 meters. I believe that 1476 will be a
better frequency because of less interference coming from
other radio stations in the EU. When I was transmitting on
1593 kHz, I was "outrivaled" by French and Romanian
stations. A listener in southern Sweden suggested that I
should consider 1476 kHz for my next broadcast project. I
thought that was a good idea so I immediately started to
plan for how to optimize my antenna for the new frequency.
Although, Egypt and Iran are actually transmitting on 1476
kHz as well...
Anyhow, I once again applied for a new license with the
Swedish Press and Broadcasting Authority and The Swedish
Post and Telecom Authority, and it was recently approved.
Here in Sweden it is dual license process for temporary
On December 26th 2018 to January 8th 2019, Asfalttelegrafen
is back on air on 1476 kHz with 330 watt with plenty of rock
music in a medium wave radio near you!
Stay tuned!
Best regards, Torleif Roos,
Asfalttelegrafen. Boraas Sweden, 1476amsweden @ (14/12-2018)
SW/MW Logs 06/03/25
4 hours ago
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