Sunday, February 25, 2018


3934,9 unid 15.37- 35333 mx
3940 R. Batavia 15.54- 34333 D
4030 unid 20.28- 45444 mx
5834,9 unid 10.33- 24332 mx
6205 LHH (tent.) 08.31- 35333 E
6210 King SW (tent.) 08.32- 24322 mx
6264,5 R. Pandora 15.35- 25332 mx
6265 unid 10.27- 25332 mx
6280 unid 10.48- 15321 mx
6285 unid 08.38- 25321 mx
6285,1 R. North Pole 10.02-10.52* 24332 E
6290,8 R. Pirana Int. 10.01-12.01* 45444 E, Sp.
6305,1 RMI (tent.) 08.34- 24322 E
6305,1 unid 18.09- 35333 mx
6315,1 unid 11.16- 35322 mx
6320 R. Focus Int. 08.40- 24332 E
6375 unid 08.58-09.02* 25322 mx

Saturday, February 24, 2018


3920 Mike R. 16.37- 45444 E
5835,4 unid 10.32- 35333 mx
6205 LHH 10.30- 35333 E
6240 unid 11.58- 35333 mx
6260 NMD (tent.) 10.29- 25332 mx
6260 Mike R. 17.41-17.43* 35343 E
6319,9 R. Focus Int. 16.40- 35333 E
6325,2 R. Bogusman (tent.) 16.40- 24332 E

Monday, February 19, 2018

Sunday, February 18, 2018


1626 Mike R. 17.54- 35343 E
3935 R. Batavia 13.20- 25332 E
3940 RRN (tent.) 16.11-17.39* 44343 mx, no announcements
4025 Coast FM 17.42- 45444 E
5630 unid 11.01- 14321 mx
5825 R. Mi Amigo (319?) 11.55- 25322 mx
5830 R. Batavia *12.02- 35333 E, moved from 5833
5833 R. Batavia 11.57-12.02* 24332 mx
6185,9 unid 10.58- 25322 mx
6205 LHH (tent.) 09.01- 25332 E
6235 unid 09.02- 24232 mx
6235 Coast FM 18.30- 32232 E, utility QRM
6249,9 EMR tribute 12.22- 31231 E
6261,9 SW R. (tent.) 12.12- 14321 mx
6265 R. Mexico, Montana, Atlantik 09.06- 35322 G, many station names mentioned, mx
6266,7 EMR 15.24- 45333 E
6267 R. Joey 15.17-15.24* 45444 mx, moved to 6305
6280 R. Scotland Int. 08.42- 45444 E
6280,1 R. North Pole 14.54- 32322 E
6282,1 R. Python 10.57- 34343 E
6284,7 R. Batavia 13.17- 34232 E
6285 unid 09.05- 15321 mx
6285 R. Quadzilla 15.42-15.59* 25322 E
6289,9 R. Batavia 13.35- 35333 E, moved from 6284,7
6290,1 R. Pirana Int. 10.10- 45444 E, Sp.
6300 EMR tribute 09.54- 44343 E
6305 R. Panda 15.02- 35333 E
6305 R. Joey *15.24- 45444 E
6305,1 RMI (tent.) 09.03- 25332 mx
6319v unid 15.09- 24332 mx
6320 unid 09.04- 15321 mx
6320,1 Spectrum FM 10.34-10.50* 44333 D
6325 unid 10.18- 44232 mx
6325,1 R. Bogusman (tent.) 11.20- 22232 E
6379,9 R. Blauwe Panter 14.46- 45333 D
6385 R. Panda 16.01- 24232 E
6915 unid 10.02- 25322 E

Saturday, February 17, 2018


4025 Coast FM 17.18- 34333 E
4035 Mustang R. 18.30- 45444 E
5825 unid 10.35- 25322 mx
5833,7v unid 10.37- 15321 mx
5835 R. Europe (tent.) 21.40- 35343 mx
6205 LHH 08.31- 35333 E
6210 King SW 08.33-09.31* 24332 E
6235 Coast FM 17.15- 32222 E
6240 unid 09.09- 25322 mx
6260 NMD 15.15- 45444 E
6265 unid 10.29- 25332 mx
6268 R. Python 15.55- 45444 E
6285 unid 08.43- 25332 mx
6285 VOTN 15.23- 45333 D, E
6290 CWR 15.36- 34333 G, E
6290,1 unid 12.10- 35333 mx
6305,1 RMI 09.11- 25332 E
6320,1 unid 14.49-15.06* 45444 mx
6325,3 Bogusman (tent.) 11.26- 23232 E

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

7720 USB    Marconi R. Int.     14.45-    25332  It, E

Marconi Radio International on the air on 13 February 2018 to celebrate the “World Radio Day”

Marconi Radio International (MRI)  will once again be on the air Tuesday, 13 February 2018 to celebrate the “World Radio Day” as follows:
14.30-16.30  and 1730-1930 UTC  on 7720 kHz (USB mode). 
Reception reports to this E-mail address: marconiradiointernational (at)
Last but not least, we need your help! If you are a DX blogger, or use social networks, please post an announcement on your own blog and/or Facebook or send out a tweet. You can also forward this message to a friend.
Marconi Radio International (MRI) sarà di nuovo in onda domani, martedì 13 febbraio 2018,  per celebrare la Giornata Mondiale della Radio come segue:  
14.30-16.30  e  1730-1930 UTC sulla frequenza di 7720 kHz (USB). 
Per i vostri rapporti di ricezione scrivete a: marconiradiointernational (at)
Come al solito Vi preghiamo, qualora abbiate un vostro blog dedicato al radioascolto od un profilo su Facebook o altro social network, di pubblicare un annuncio sulle nostre trasmissioni. In alternativa potreste inoltrare il presente messaggio ad un amico.

Marconi Radio International (MRI)

Monday, February 12, 2018

Sunday, February 11, 2018


3920 Pete Pirate(Piet Piraat) 15.23- 45343 mx
3934,9 Voice of the World 12.03- 25332 E
3940 RRN Rock Radio Network  16.26-17.57* 45343 E, mp3
4025 Coast FM Int. 17.25- 45333 E
5835v R. Mirror/Pirate R. Europe 17.10- 35333 E, mp3
5890,2 R. Batavia 13.11- 23332 E, utility interferece
6210 LHH 09.02- 43333 E, also other station on same frequency
6235 Energy FM 09.04- 45444 E
6235 Coast FM Int. 17.27- 45333 E
6245 R. Scotland Int. 11.03- 45444 E
6245,4 Werners Schlagerwelt 09.36- 24322 mx
6258 R. Mexico(tent.) 09.10- 25322 mx
6260 unid 12.31- 15321 mx
6265 Enterprise R. 14.18- 45333 E
6280 R. Quadzilla 11.28- 14331 E
6284,9 R. Dolfijn 10.48- 35333 mx
6285 unid 09.39- 15321 mx
6290,5 unid 11.59- 23332 mx
6294,8 Voice of the World 12.00- 24332 E
6295,3 Werners Schlagerwelt 10.11- 34311 mx
6305,1 RMI 09.18- 25322 E
6315 Sluwe Vos Radio 12.28- 45333 many languages
6315.8 OZNRH (tent.) 13.09- 35333 mx
6324,9 Voice of the World 12.06- 35333 E, moved from 6294,8
6325,2 R. Bogusman (tent.) 16.34- 34322 E
6335 unid 15.06- 25322 mx
6375,1 The Ghoul (tent.) 10.07- 24322 E

Saturday, February 10, 2018


3940 RRN (tent.) 17.18-18.17* 44444 mx
4025 Energy FM 17.12- 34343 E
4025 Coast FM 18.45- 45444 E
5824,9 unid 14.17- 24322 D
6205 LHH (tent.) 10.12- 22232 E
6210 King SW (tent.) 10.07- 22332 mx
6210 LHH 15.50- 45333 E
6235 Coast FM 10.00- 24232 E
6235 Energy FM 15.26- 44433 E
6235 Coast FM 18.45- 45433 E
6270,3 unid 18.18- 24332 mx
6290 unid 11.12- 25332 D
6305 Enjoy R. 14.47-15.12* 45433 E, D
6305,1 RMI (tent.) 10.17- 22332 mx
6315.8 unid 14.15- 25332 mx
6325 unid 10.19- 25322 mx
6325,5 unid 15.13- 34322 mx
6378 unid 11.47- 25332 mx

Friday, February 9, 2018

Marconi Radio International on air today 9 February, 17.30-19.30 UTC on 7720 kHz USB

Please be advised that Marconi Radio International (MRI) will be on the air today Friday, 9 February 2018 as follows: 17.30-19.30 UTC. The frequency is 7720 kHz (USB mode). Reception reports to this E-mail address: marconiradiointernational (at)

7720USB  Marconi R. Int.   18.00-    25322 E, It.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Sunday, February 4, 2018


3940,2 RRN Rock R. Network 17.25-17.59* 44343 E
6205 LHH 08.26- 25332 E
6210 King SW (tent.) 08.27- 25322 E
6255,3 R. Swarte Panter 10.10-, 12.58- 35322 E
6260 unid 10.12- 15321 mx
6265 unid 10.33- 15221 mx
6282,9 unid 13.08- 35322 mx
6285 unid 10.14- 25322 mx
6305,1 RMI 08.24- 25322 E
6307,3 unid 18.40- 15321 mx
6315 unid 15.05- 35333 mx
6320 unid 15.20- 26332 mx
6320,1 unid 18.21- 15321 mx
6321,2 SW Pirate 10.06- 25322 Tribute Show to EMR/Tom Taylor
6325,3 R. Rainbow Int. 12.26- 25322 E, D

Saturday, February 3, 2018


6205 LHH 12.20- 25332 E
6290,6 R. Goofy 13.13- 35333 E

Scandinavian Weekend Radio also via internet

Tom Taylor passing away

Tom Taylor passing away With great sadness we report the death of European Music Radio's founder and short wave legend Tom Taylor, to many also known as Barry Stephens. For many dedicated SW free radio enthusiasts, E.M.R. was thé station in the late 1970s and 1980. As from 1980 onwards E.M.R. and FRS became sister stations. Within a few days a Memorial with some personal memories will be put on the FRS site. We will inform you via mail when it will be on-line.
All of us at FRS are shocked by Tom's death. He indeed was a short wave legend. May he rest in peace. 

Peter Verbruggen (on behalf of the FRS Team) 

Dear FRS/ E.M.R.Friends,

It doesn't happen that often that I forward two messages on the same evening.
But no need to will all know the reason...
I have just uploaded my personal Tom Taylor/ E.M.R. memories. Special thanks goes out to Ian Biggar!
Surf to .

Just for your information:
There will be a Tribute on SW late February. Many radio people who know Tom from past and present will participate.
Of course you will be informed about time and frequency.
Apart from that (and before I heard about this great initiative from Herbert Visser) I had already decided there will be
a  tribute from us at FRS as well. Hopefully in February.
Soon I hope to publish a number of reactions I have been receiving in recent days from both radio people as well as listeners.
Feel free to share your personal Tom Taylor/ Barry Stephens/ E.M.R. memories. We appreciate any contribution!

For now...have a good weekend!

73s  from all at FRSH,
Peter Verbruggen

EMR web pages: