Tuesday, December 31, 2013


6210 unid 15.58- 45333 mx
6220,1 unid 16.23- 35343 mx
6240,1 R. Bila Dira 16.18- 34333 mx
6265,8 unid 16.20- 13331 mx
6284,9 unid 18.03- 33343 mx
6287,5 unid 18.03- 43343 mx
6292 R. Odynn 16.05- 35343 E
6300 unid 16.47- 45444 mx
6311,1 unid 16.49- 45343 mx
6320 unid 16.02- 35343 mx
6389,9 R. Altrex (tent.) 16.25- 25343 mx
6939 unid 16.16- 25332 mx
6745,2 R. Pioneer (tent.) 15.44- 45444 mx
6798,6 R. Pink Panther (tent.) 15.46- 44343 mx
7470,1 SluweVos R. (tent.) 09.54- 35333 mx
7478,1 SluweVos R. (tent.) 09.46- 35333 mx
7490v VOTN/ECH (tent.) 08.59- 43343 mx
9950LSB BSR 09.16- 45444 E

Caroline Christmas Card

I received this Radio Caroline Cristmas card from an anonymous sender, postmarked in the Manchester Mail Centre. 
Also a few others in Finland got this card.  
Who sent those cards? Anyway, thank you very much, and Happy New Year!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

No logs at Christmas.

Sunday, December 22, 2013


5810,1 Weekend Music R. 15.55- 35333 E
6199,6 unid 08.49- 15321 only carrier visible
6205 R. Saturnus (tent.) 15.00- 45343 mx
6212 unid 15.53- 35333 mx
6215,3 unid 08.44- 15321 mx
6245 Tip & Elvis show 14.51- 45444 E, D
6255 R. Telstar South 15.33- 23242 E
6275 unid 14.53- 35343 mx
6285 unid 10.32- 25322 D
6285 unid 14.55- 35343 mx
6295 unid 08.46- 15321 mx
6304,8 R. Paardenkracht 16.39- 35333 E
6305 unid 08.47- 15321 mx
6310,5 R. Tango Italia 15.49- 25332 It.
6324 R. Underground 16.31- 25332 E
6326 R. Omejan (tent.) 08.48- 15331 mx
6379,9 R. Scotland Int. 10.18- 45322 E
6450,4 unid 10.20- 25322 mx
6746,9 R. Pioneer (tent.) 14.58- 45444 mx
18905LSB BSR 10.50- 45444 E
21459,8 Cupid R. 15.37- 15421 mx

6255 R. Casanova 14.42- 35333 E, D
6267,6 unid 14.00- 15331 mx
6280,4 unid 19.36- 25322 mx
6290 unid 14.03- 15331 mx
6290 R. Powerliner 14.55- 33333 D
6305 unid 14.05- 15331 mx
6450,1 unid 15.06- 33333 mx
6925 unid 15.08- 45232 mx

Sunday, December 15, 2013


6215,2 unid 08.50- 15331 mx
6240 unid 09.40- 25322 E
6242 R. ACDC (tent.) 14.50- 24332 mx
6255 R. Telstar South 14.49- 23222 E
6281 unid 15.13- 45333 mx
6285,2 unid 15.42- 35333 mx
6289,9 unid 10.08- 15331 mx
6290 R. Foxfire (tent.) 14.38- 35333 mx
6305 R. Technical Man 14.40- 45444 E, D
6325 unid 15.54- 45333 mx
6324 R. Telstar 14.41- 45333 D
6450 unid 08.57- 22222 mx
6450,2 R. Readymix 15.10- 45333 D
6795,8 R. Pink Panther (tent.) 10.32- 25332 mx
6930 unid 17.29-17.40* 45322 E
7490 ECH 09.01- 45333 E
7705 SluweVos R. 14.55- 35333 D
7715,1 R. Python 16.02- 45322 E
11401 RWI 08.35- 24322 E
15060 R. Trans Europe 13.05- 34443 mx
18905LSB BSR 13.16- 45444 E
18980LSB BSR 10.41- 45444 E

Saturday, December 14, 2013


3906 R. Alice 21.03- 45343 E
6200 unid 16.05- 42332 E
6210 unid 16.02- 43333 mx
6215 unid 16.04- 44333 E
6240 unid 16.03- 42332 mx
6245,4 R. Tango Italia (tent.) 21.07- 25332 tango mx
6255 R. Casanova 16.20- 45343 E
6265,4 R. Tango Italia (tent.) 16.21- 24332 tango mx
6280,5 R. Tango Italia (tent.) 16.00- 24332 tango mx
6285,3 unid 15.59- 44333 mx
6294 R. Mustang 16.19- 44444 E
6295,1 unid 10.39- 25332 mx
6300,1 unid 16.01- 34333 mx
6307 unid 16.40- 33333 mx
6324,4 unid -16.02* 43343 mx
6450,1 R. Studio 52 16.22- 35333 E, D
6974,6 R. Ronalisa 10.41- 35333 E
21520LSB BSR 14.30- 35443 E

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


LKB/LLE is on the air with new test broadcasts this week from LLE-2 (1314 kHz) and LLE-3 (5895 kHz), Morning Broadcasts Wednesday and Thursday @0600-0930 UTC. We are carrying IDs and jingles from Radio Northern Star http://www.northernstar.no/ , leasing the transmitters. Note: Broadcasts are not in parallel with the web radio output.  MW running at @100 watts now. Our QSL card has arrived, and are being sent out, but still reports are welcome! Address: Box 100, N5331 RONG, NORWAY

Remote-controlled Medium Wave DX-station

Remote-controlled MW-DX-station in Karvia, Finland.

Sunday, December 8, 2013


6205 unid 14.43- 35333 mx
6215,3 unid 08.26- 25332 carrier
6240 unid 10.15- 15331 mx
6255 R. Telstar South 16.00- 32332 E
6265,8 unid 17.14- 45322 mx
6280 unid 15.39- 45444 mx
6286 R. Focus Int. 08.28- 25332 E
6290,7 unid 10.16- 25332 mx
6304,5 unid 14.40- 44333 D, QSO
6305 R. Bogusman 09.17- 35333 E
6305,1 unid 14.43- 24332 D, QSO
6305,6 unid 16.20- 23232 mx
6306,5 unid 15.56- 23232 mx
6325 unid 17.12- 45333 mx
6325,6 unid 15.58- 25332 mx
6374,6 unid 11.12- 35322 D
6375 R. Mustang 15.59- 45444 D, E
6450,2 R. Lowland (tent.) 14.36- 25332 mx
6535 XXL Radio 14.48- 45333 mx, jingles
6795,8 R. Pink Panther (tent.) 11.14- 35333 mx
6807,9 R. Sundown 10.18- 35333 E
6915 Premier R. (tent.) -10.25* 15331 mx
6940 Trans Europe R. 15.15- 45333 E, D
6974,6 R. Ronalisa 10.17- 25332 E
9920LSB BSR 11.46- 45444 E

3905 R. Alice 15.04- 45242 E, local noise
3910 R. Ascona 15.10- 45232 mx, local noise
3932LSB Over60Degrees R. 16.23- 15331 E
6210 R. Luxembourg 14.40- 45343 mx, jingle
6240 R. Flying Dutcman (tent.) 14.50- 44343 mx
6242 R. Flying Dutcman 15.30-15.34* 45343 E
6265 R. Supersound (tent.) 15.20- 45343 mx
6279,8 R. Tjakka 15.35- 45343 E
6290 R. Norton 15.44- 45343 E
6292 R. Mustang 15.21- 45444 D
6304 R. Mustang (tent.) 16.01- 45444 mx
6306,9 R. Bogusman 16.44- 45444 E
6324 R. Malibu (tent.) 14.55- 44343 mx
6324,1 R. Malibu 16.13- 45343 mx
6375 R. Rainbow 15.42- 44343 E
6425 Studio 52 (tent.) 15.29- 45343 mx
6450,4 R. Lowland 15.14- 44343 E, D
6725 R. CoolAM 15.59- 15331 mx
7775,1 Tower R. (tent.) 16.05- 45444 mx

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Sunday, December 1, 2013


3905 unid -18.35* 25342 mx
3905 unid 20.50- 14341 mx
4026 LHH 18.33- 34343 E
6199,6 R. Orang Utan 07.58- 35333 E
6209,9 unid 08.01- 15331 mx
6212,3 unid 08.13- 15331 mx
6215,3 unid 09.03- 25322 E, low modulation
6240 R. Casanova 09.59- 44343 G
6242 R. ACDC (tent.) 14.40- 44343 mx
6245,4 R. Tango Italia 18.37- 35343 tango mx
6289,9 unid 15.05- 44343 D
6290 R. Pluto (tent.) 07.59- 45444 mx
6295,7v unid 09.22- 44343 mx
6300 R. Waldmeister 08.28- 34333 E
6305 R. Shadowman 10.17- 45444 D, E
6305,6 R. Verona 14.42- 45444 D
6317,3 unid 14.48- 34343 E
6325 R. Etherfreak 08.00-08.24* 34333 E
6325 R. Pluto 08.25-08.27 45343 D, E, QSO
6325,8 R. Bila Dira 15.12- 45343 E
6380 unid 15.37- 35343 mx
6795,7 R. Pink Panther (tent.) 14.50- 45343 mx
7620 SluweVos R. 14.58- 45444 E
11401 RWI 08.02- 35333 many languages