Monday, July 30, 2012

Radio Salem Stereo

Radio Salem Stéreo is a unlicensed station broadcasting from Colombia on 14,950.7 kHz shortwave.

Sunday, July 29, 2012


6210 R. Borderhunter 20.15- 45232 E
6237,9 unid 07.53- 15331 only visible
6245,5 unid 20.17- 34232 mx
6255 R. Telstar South 19.39- 24222 E
6279,9 unid 19.37- 45333 mx
6305,1 unid 07.48- 15331 only visible
6305,5 unid 08.56- 15331 mx
6306,8 unid 18.57- 35333 E
6310 unid 07.50- 15331 only visible
6325 unid 18.58- 24332 mx
6450,1 R. Lowland 19.00- 45343 E

saturday 28.7.2012 logs


6240,9 unid 20.49- 44343 mx
6245,5 unid 19.18- 34343 mx
6255 unid 18.48- 23332 E
6285 unid 19.54- 45343 mx
6286,5 unid 18.23- 35333 mx
6287,3 unid 18.45- 45343 mx
6300 R. Black Power 19.20- 44343 E
6305 unid 18.38- 25332 mx
6310 unid 19.02- 45343 mx
6319,6 Rainbow/Caroline 18.20- 45343 E
6325,1 R. OmeJan 18.50- 44333 E
6920LSB BSR 15.15- 35343 E

Friday, July 20, 2012

No logs in this weekend.

Sunday, July 15, 2012


6205,2 unid 06.55- 15331 only visible
6206 Sluwe Vos R.(tent.) 18.47- 24322 mx
6235 unid 20.28- 24332 E
6237,9 unid 06.56- 15331 only visible
6255 unid 18.59- 24332 mx
6279,9 R. Luxembourg (tent.) 17.54- 25332 mx
6290 R. Wittereus 20.01- 44333 E
6303,9 Magic AM 18.45- 25332 E, G
6308,6 Magic AM 17.53- 15321 E, G
6317 unid 17.46- 45322 mx
6319,7 R. Caroline Int. 21.48- 23332 E
6325 R. Ronin SW 19.19- 35333 E
6326,1 unid 06.57- 45322 mx
6400,4 R. Vixen (tent.) 19.31- 23322 E
6516,1 Music Explosion (tent.) 19.47- 24332
6525 R. Pink Panther (tent.) 17.52- 25322 mx

Saturday, July 14, 2012

14.7.2012 in Jyväskylä

1611LSB BSR 18.55- 25332 E
3935 Radio Rainbow 19.05- 15331 E
6205,1 unid 20.33- 25332 mx
6206,9 Sluwe Vos R. (tent.) 17.44- 25332 E
6240,2 SRG (tent.) 17.54- 14331 mx
6255 R. Telstar South 19.45- 35333 E
6280,5V R. Luxembourg (tent.) 17.56- 34333 mx
6300,4 unid 18.04- 22232 mx
6305,1 unid 18.01- 15331 mx
6319,6 R. Caroline Int. 19.08- 45333 E
6323,2 R. Telstar (tent.) 18.02- 15331 mx
6326,1 Summermeeting R. 20.20- 45333 E, G
6525 R. Pink Panther (tent.) 17.05- 15331 mx
6525 R. Pink Panther 20.03- 35333 E
6910LSB BSR 17.00- 45444 E
6935LSB BSR 19.39- 15331 mx
6940LSB BSR 18.10- 45444 E
6940 Irish Music Radio (tent.) 18.52- 15331 mx
7600,1 Lightning R. (tent.) 19.02- 15331 mx

Friday, July 13, 2012

13.7.2012 Received in Jyväskylä

1611LSB BSR 19.52- 25332 E
3934,9 R. Rainbow (tent.) 20.23- 25322 E
4015 Laser Hot Hits (tent.) 21.50- 25332 mx
6207 Sluwe Vos R. 21.12- 45333 E
6240,1 R. Rainbow/Caroline 20.27- 45333 E
6255 R. Telstar South 20.57- 44333 E
6279,9 unid 18.05- 25322 mx
6280,4 Black Bandit R. (tent.) 21.33- 45343 mx
6290,5 R. Ronin 20.05- 44343 E
6295 unid 20.40- 32332 mx
6304,95 unid 18.07 25332 E
6306,6 SWRNL 19.20- 35333 E
6317,5 Black Bandit R. 21.59- 45343 E
6325 unid 17.59- 45333 E
6325 R. Rainbow/Caroline 20.16- 44343 E
6525 R. Mustang & Tidalwave 19.23- 45343 E
6735 Cool AM (tent.) 20.03- 25322 E
6925 R. Python (tent.) 20.28- 25332 E
6930 Trans Europe Radio 22.07- 45333 E
6940 Irish Music Radio 21.10- 35333 E
6955LSB BSR 19.41-, 21.05- 25332 E
6980 Laser Hot Hits (tent.) 21.27- 23332 mx

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Radio Hami

Radio Hami (The Finnish Amateur Radio League annual summer camp event radio station) will be active from July 12th to July 15th. You can hear us on FM 94.7 MHz (Sappee), AM 6170 kHz & 1584 kHz. We will have around the clock transmission, though programming takes place mainly between 8am and midnight EEST (05:00 - 21:00 UTC).



12.7.2012 received in Jyväskylä        

1611LSB BSR                           20.06- 25332 E
6205 R. Spaceshuttle    20.30- 45343 E, Fi
6910LSB BSR 19.45- 35443 E


Sunday, July 8, 2012


6200,1 unid 08.18- 15331 only visible
6207 unid 18.29- 25332 mx
6289,8 unid 19.06- 25332 mx
6319,6 R. Caroline Int. 19.04- 45333 E
6325,6 unid 18.42- 24332 mx
12257,2 WR Int. 08.15- 25332 E

Saturday, July 7, 2012

No logs today, I'm here

Today also Nightwish again in there, as in 2008.

and Michael Monroe again in there as many times earlier:

Michael Monroe and Slash, Ruisrock 2010
Michael Monroe was a singer in this Beats And Styles offshore pirate radio video Renegades

Sunday, July 1, 2012


5820 Orion Radio 07.41- 25332 E
6205,3 unid 06.53- 15331 only visible
6210,7 unid 06.54- 15331 only visible
6240,1 unid 18.38- 25332 mx
6255 R. Telstar South 19.21- 24332 E
6280,1 R. Merlin Int. 20.27- 35333 E
6305 R. Ascona 19.21- 35333 D
6319,6 R. Caroline & Rainbow 19.12- 25332 E
6525 R. Mustang 19.25- 45333 E
7600,1 Lightning R. (tent.) 18.24- 13331 only visible
12257,2 WR Int. (tent.) 07.26- 15331 mx
Radio Nord Revival still on air, good signal here!

saturday 30.6.2012 logs


6207 R. Viking 18.15- 45343 D, E
6209 R. Viking 20.12- 44343 D, E
6255 unid 18.17- 35333 E
6289,1 unid 19.16- 25332 mx
6305 R. Fox 48 18.56- 45333 E
6325 unid 18.58- 25332 mx
6450,2 unid 18.12- 45333 mx