3904,8 R. Likedeeler (tent.) 20.07- 45333 mx
3930 R. Rainbow 19.22- 25332 E
4015 LHH 19.08- 45333 E
5815 Orion R. (tent.) 07.38- 25332 mx
6219,8 Caroline/Rainbow (tent.) -19.57* 44333 mx
6240 R. Caroline Int. 17.02- 34333 E
6280,2 unid 20.05- 42332 mx
6290,3 unid 18.59- 25332 mx
6295 R. Fox 48 21.01- 45333 E
6300,1 unid 16.36- 35232 mx
6305,3 unid 16.38- 34232 mx
6315,5 R. Caroline Int. 20.01- 43333 E
6420 Trans Europe Radio 21.38- 44333 E
6422 unid 19.01- 44333 E
6423 R. Zodiac 20.45- 43333 D
6424.9 unid 07.34- 25332 mx
6425 R. Universe 19.35- 45333 E
6425 R. Fox 48 20.45- 43333 E
6425 Trans Europe Radio 20.57-21.00* 45333 E
6900LSB BSR(tent.) 19.29-, 21.07- 45444 mx, no ID
6930 Irish Music Radio 21.15- 35333 E
6940 unid 19.22- 35322 mx
6945 unid 19.27- 33322 mx
6950 Trans Europe Radio - 21.37* 45333 E
6970 LHH 19.24- 45333 E
Log 2024-12-21
13 minutes ago
Hi Rick,
lot of thnaks again for such log of us!!!
Radio Caroline International.
unid on 3905 was Likedeeler
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