Sunday, November 25, 2018


3944,9 Energy Power AM 14.37- 24332 E
3944,9 Energy Power AM 18.40- 45333 E
5780 Zenith Classic Rock (tent.) 14.12- 25232 mx
5800 unid 15.42- 25332 E
6205 LHH (tent.) 13.30- 25322 mx
6240,4 R. Dr. Tim 13.37- 35322 E
6285 R. Batavia 12.40- 35333 E
6305,1 RMI (tent.) 12.42. 25322 mx
6311,8 R. Bogusman (tent.) 12.43- 25322 E
6318 unid 12.44- 25322 mx
6320 unid 20.55- 35333 E
7705 Energy Power AM 17.46- 15321 E
7725,7 Zeppelin R. (tent.) 17.44- 25322 mx

3905 R. Fox 48 16.40- 25332 E
3905 R. Alice 19.47- 45433 E
5140 Charleston R. Int. (tent.) 19.53- 25332 mx
5780 Zenith Classic Rock (tent.) 16.09- 15321 mx
6205 LHH (tent.) 16.05- 25332 E
6311,8 R. Bogusman (tent.) 16.30- 25332 E
7725,7 Zeppelin R. (tent.) 19.55- 15321 mx

Sunday, November 18, 2018


5140 Charleston R. Int. (tent.) 07.58- 15331 mx
5780 Zenith Classic Rock (tent.) 07.57- 25332 mx
6205 LHH 07.53- 35332 E
6210 unid 10.05- 25322 mx
6230 unid 14.07- 22332 mx
6250 R. Casanova 10.07- 34333 D
6260 R. Casanova 10.32- 35333 D
6260 R. Batavia 14.07- 35343 D, E
6264,1 unid 17.28- 35322 mx
6270 unid 10.03- 25332 mx
6270 R. Telstar 14.18-14.47* 34343 D, E
6280 KR1 10.09- 25332 D, E
6285 KR1 09.25- 35333 E
6290 unid 09.20- 25322 mx
6290 unid 09.54- 45444 mx
6305,1 RMI (tent.) 08.26- 25332 E
6311,8 unid 07.55- 25332 E
6318 unid 08.43- 25322 mx
6322,1 unid 14.26- 25332 mx
6335 unid 14.27- 25322 mx
6449,5 R. Readymix (tent.) 09.35- 25322 mx
7700 FRS Holland 09.15- 35333 E
9333,8 FRS Holland (tent.) 11.42- 25332 mx

Saturday, November 17, 2018


3905 R. East Coast Holland 19.32- 45333 E
3919,9v unid 19.33- 35322 mx
3940 R. 319 19.34- 35333 E
5140 Charleston R. Int. (tent.) 20.08- 25322 mx
5870 Zenith Classic Rock (tent.) 20.10- 35333 mx

Radio The White Man QSL

Friday, November 16, 2018

Sunday, November 11, 2018


3923,9v unid 16.59- 25332 D, E
5140 Charleston R. Int. (tent.) 17.15- 15331 mx
5780 Zenith Classic Rock (tent.) 07.07- 25332 mx
6185 Mike R. 10.14- 45444 E
6205 LHH 07.12- 25332 E
6210 King SW 08.22- 25332 E
6230 Coast FM (tent.) 07.14- 35333 E
6264 R. Cuckoo 09.30-10.06* 25332 E
6270 R. Quadzilla 09.11- 35322 D
6272 unid 15.59- 25332 mx
6284,7 R. Uferlos 07.17- 35322 E
6284,9 unid 10.21- 25332 mx
6305,1 RMI (tent.) 16.47- 25332 mx
6311,7 R. Bogusman (tent.) 10.08.18 25332 E
6318 R. Sovereign (tent.) 18.12- 25322 mx

Saturday, November 10, 2018


3900USB unid 19.21- 35333 mx
5140 Charleston R. Int. (tent.) 19.15- 15321 mx
5780 Zenith Classic Rock (tent.) 08.31- 25322 mx
6205 LHH 08.26- 35332 E
6210,1 unid 08.24- 35332 E
6230 Coast FM 12.50- 35333 E
6240 unid 15.55- 35343 mx
6264 Radio Cuckoo 08.40-09.32* 25322 E
6270 unid 16.05- 35333 mx
6284,7 unid 16.27- 34333 mx
6285 unid 12.52- 35333 mx
6289,8 Quality AM R. 15.58- 35343 E
6304,9 unid 16.30- 25332 mx
6305,1 RMI (tent.) 08.27- 25322 E
6311,6 unid 16.24- 35333 mx
6318 R. Sovereign (tent.) 08.28- 15321 mx
6321,8 R. OZNRH 12.52- 35333 E
6327,8 R. OZNRH (tent.) 13.23- 35333 mx

Friday, November 9, 2018

Chaos Radio raided

Thanks everyone, who wrote me reports here! It was a fun one month, but it is over.
Unfortunatelly, today, while I was testing some, the hungarian telecommunication authorities showed up, so looks like no more transmissions from Hungary.
We had problems for like a year now with more and more frequent pirate radio raids on 3 meter band, so I tried to move to shortwave, and hoped the best. Sadly, they told me, they are monitoring these frequencies too, and no mercy to unlicensed activities even on sw, so they killed my sw station too, pretty quickly.

SDRplay Webinar for Finland DX-listeners and Radio Amateurs 8.11.2018

Recording here:

Sunday, November 4, 2018


3915,6 R. Underground 16.58- 35333 E
3945 Dance Wave R. (tent,) 16.16- 25332 mx
5140 Charleston R. Int. 17.07- 25332 mx
5780 Zenith Classic Rock (tent.) 08.51- 25332 mx
5005 Dance Wave R. 11.48- 25332 E
6199,5 R. Mousjager 10.33- 24332 mx
6205 LHH 07.50- 35333 E
6220,1 R. White Man 11.57- 23332 E
6230 R. Fox 48 11.31- 25332 mx
6269,7 R. Focus Int. 07.52- 35333 E
6280 unid 08.38- 28332 mx
6280 R. Batavia 12.03- 23332 D
6284,6 R. Underground 15.49- 24332 E
6285 R. Monique 11.36- 25332 E
6288 Your Radio of Sea (tent.) 10.31- 25332 mx
6290 unid 08.49- 35322 mx
6290 R. Monique 12.18- 25322 E
6305,1 RMI 07.54- 35322 E
6311,8 R. Ghoul (tent.) 08.47- 25322 E
6318 R. Sovereign (tent.) 07.55- 25322 mx
6335 R. Chaos Int. (tent.) 07.56- 45333 mx
6375 unid 15.26- 25322 mx
6384,9 R. Lowland (tent.) 15.24- 34333 mx, QSO
6385 R. Zeewolf 15.30- 45333 E, D, QSO
6393,2 R. Pandora 15.28- 25332 E
6850 R. Uboat 66 10.52- 25322 mx
6939,9 R. Orion 2000 11.03- 34333 mx
7483,9 RWI 08.24- 35333 many languages

Saturday, November 3, 2018


3899,9 R. Technical Man 20.26- 45333 E
3905 R. Alice 15.59- 45444 E
3915 unid 18.43- 25322 mx
3915,5 R. Underground 17.16- 35333 E
4775 R. 319 (tent.) 18.47- 25322 E
5780 Zenith Classic Rock (tent.) 16.15- 25332 mx
6205 LHH (tent.) 20.42- 25322 mx
6215 R. Snowball 16.53-17.02* 24332 E, Ru
6240 unid 15.52- 35333 mx
6269,7 R. Focus Int. 15.54- 35333 E
6284,6 unid 15.55-16.09* 25332 mx
6305,1 unid 17.25- 15331 mx
6321,1 R. Mousjager 18.59- 25322 mx
6335 R. Chaos Int. (tent.) 15.56- 44333 mx