Sunday, November 25, 2012


6180 R. Altrex (tent.) 08.13- 15321 mx
6195 R. Borderhunter 08.09- 45433 E
6205 R. Borderhunter 16.45- 44444 E
6205,2 R. Orang Utan 07.26- 45333 E, D
6215 unid 09.00- 13231 mx
6215 R. Telstar 15.09- 35343 E, D
6239 unid 18.12- 32332 mx
6239,6 R. Underground 15.57- 44433 E
6240 R. AC/DC 18.12- 32332 mx
6240,1 R. Waves Int.(tent.) 08.10- 15321 only carrier visible
6265 R. Nora 07.41-08.04* 45333 E
6280 R. Luxembourg 17.45- 45444 mx, jingle
6285 R. Focus Int. (tent.) 07.31- 25332 E
6289v unid 18.02- 42332 mx, interference from 6290
6290 unid 16.49- 34322 mx
6305 unid 15.20- 22232 only carrier visible
6306,9 unid 08.24- 15331 mx
6307 Joey R. (tent.) 15.24- 34333 D
6375,6v R. Rockefeller 08.25- 35333 E
6450,5 R. Readymix 15.07- 43333 E
6451,7v unid 17.38- 22232 mx
6555 Joey R. 16.34- 24332 E
6915LSB BSR 07.33- 45444 E
6937,5 IMR 15.12- 45333 E
7590,5 Shoreline R. 08.06- 25332 E
7605,5 Shoreline R. 08.12- 25322 E
12257,1 WR Int. 08.22- 24322 E
18950LSB BSR 08.50- 35443 E
15060,1 Enjoy R. 09.26- 44444 E, moved to 15070
15070 Enjoy R. 09.35-10.10* 45444 E

Saturday, November 24, 2012


4026 LHH 17.28- 35333 E
6268 R. Luxembourg (tent.) 14.32- 45333 mx
6285 unid 17.19- 25332 mx
6288,7v R. Rainbow 18.01- 44333 E
6295,7 unid 14.20- 45333 mx
6304 R. Vendor 17.20- 43232 E
6305 unid 14.33- 34232 mx
6325 unid 14.34- 25332 mx
6423 R. Lowland 18.45- 44343 E
6937,5 IMR 16.45- 45333 E

Sunday, November 11, 2012

No more logs today, and no logs in next weekend.

6175,4 CWR 08.57- 25332 E, G
6205,2 R. Orang Utan 07.19- 35333 E
6239,8 unid 08.00- 25333 mx
6270 unid 11.18- 14331 mx
6282 R. Luxembourg (tent.) 08.58- 45333 mx
6290 unid 08.59- 15321 mx
6300 R. Golfbreker 09.54- 45333 D
6300,2 unid 08.02- 25332 mx
6920 Mike Radio 08.50- 44444 E
6937,5 IMR (tent.) 11.08- 25332 mx
7630,2 Free Radio Victoria 09.45- 35333 E
12257,1 WR Int. 08.05- 34333 E

Saturday, November 10, 2012


6266,4 unid 15.38- 24332 mx
6285 unid 15.26- 44343 mx
6290 unid 15.28- 34333 mx
6290,7 R. Atlantis 15.56- 33333 mx, jingles
6295,1 R. Casanova 14.47- 45343 D
6300,1 unid 16.30- 44343 mx
6300,9 R. Mustang 17.17- 44444 D, E
6303,9 R. Underground 16.01- 42232 E
6303,8 R. Underground 16.23- 45333 E
6304,5 unid 17.18- 33333 mx
6305,8 unid 14.45- 35333 mx
6325v R. Nachtpiraat 15.14- 44343 D
6920 Trans Europe Radio 15.32- 45333 E
6930LSB BSR 15.31- 35343 E
6937,5 IMR 16.20- 25332 E

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Keep Reachin' Up

A Finnish group, The Soul Investigators and their american singer, Nicole Willis is probably one of the favorites of the president Obama, especially song "Keep Reachin' Up". He used that "keep reachin' phrase in his speech when was elected to president again. Earlier in this year Obama's campaign office did a Spotify list and that song was included.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


6200 unid 16.01- 23232 mx
6205,2 R. Orang Utan (tent.) 07.36- 15331 mx
6208,9 Sluwe Vos R. 14.09- 35333 mx
6219,4 unid 09.47- 15331 mx
6240,4 R. Merlin Int. (tent.) 09.28- 15331 mx
6266,3 unid 16.32- 14231 mx
6274,9 R. Marabu (tent.) 07.37- 15331 mx
6280 R. Odynn (tent.) 14.25- 15331 mx
6280 R. Odynn -15.55* 35322 E, D
6285 unid 10.01- 15331 mx
6289 R. Rainbow 14.24- 25332 E
6290,7 R. Rainbow 15.57- 34333 E
6295 unid 08.32- 15331 mx
6295 Cupid Radio 14.10- 35343 E
6296,9 R. Mazda 10.00- 35333 E, D
6300,6 unid 15.59- 24332 mx
6300,9 R. Mustang 15.14- 34333 E, D
6304,9 R. Osaka 14.41- 34322 E
6306,9 unid 07.38- 15331 mx
6324 R. Nora (tent.) 14.48- 35322 D, E, QSO
6324 R. Zodiac (tent.) 14.54. 25322 D, QSO
6325,9 Halloween R. (tent.) 10.02- 15331 mx
6425,5 unid 10.07- 15331 E
6937,5 IMR 16.07- 35333 E
7570 Geronimo SW 09.31- 35343 E
7600 FRS Holland (tent.) 09.44- 45343 mx
12267,1 WR Int. 07.50- 23332 mx
15069,8 Cupid Radio 14.19- 34343 E

3478LSB Over 60 Degree R. 19.51- 25222 mx
3905 R. Alice 16.58- 45333 E
3930 Over 60 Degree R. 19.27- 15331 mx , AM, LSB
4026 LHH 18.53- 45333 E
4075 R. Powerliner 19.22- 25332 mx
4407LSB Over 60 Degree R. 19.55- 25232 mx
4886LSB Over 60 Degree R. 19.45- 25342 mx
4900USB Over 60 Degree R. 20.00- 25343 E
6205 R. Monte Carlo 16.03- 45343 E
6210 unid 16.12- 23332 E
6266,4 unid 16.19- 13221 mx
6274,9 R. Marabu 16.13- 25332 G
6280,05 R. Nora 16.33- 33333 E
6280,2 unid 16.14- 25332 mx
6288 R. Monte Carlo 18.26- 43343 E
6289,1 unid 18.16- 43322 E
6290 unid 18.25- 12321 only carrier visible
6290,7 unid 16.15- 45333 mx
6300 Tower R. 16.16- 45444 E
6305 R. Monte Carlo 18.31- 44333 E
6306 unid 16.18- 44444 mx
6324,4 unid 16.17- 25332 E
6324,8 unid 19.38- 45333 mx
6449 Studio 52 (tent.) 19.15- 45333 mx
6525 R. Pink Panther 16.22- 35333 mx
6915LSB BSR 16.23- 45444 E

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Scandinavian Weekend Radio on air again!

This is a legal station from Finland.
At approximately 09.00UTC pirate radio news in finnish, but many audio samples of pirate stations.