Sunday, February 28, 2010

In this weekend my QTH is in Jyväskylä, Mid-Finland.
Here 48 metres folded dipole on the roof is partly under the snow.

3931,7 Radio Ghoul/Bogusman 18.05- 34322 E
4025 LHH (tent.) 17.42- 14331 mx
5799,8 unid 09.15- 12331 only visible
5800,25 unid 09.15- 12331 only visible
5815 Orion Radio 08.04- 35333 E
5825 unid 09.31- 14321 mx
6180 R. Scotland Int. 09.45- 24332 mx
6205 Radio Borderhunter 07.56- 25332 E
6210 Radio Bermudadreieck (tent.) 10.13- 14321 only visible
6210,2 unid 12.30- 14321 mx
6220 Mystery Radio (tent.) 07.12- 24332 mx
6220 R. Playback Int. via Mystery R. 17.35- 34333 E
6255,9 Radio Fox48 (tent.) 13.16- 14331 mx
6265 GeronimoSW 08.55- 24322 G,E
6265,8 unid 08.20- 14331 only visible
6280,1 R. Merlin Int. 08.42- 24332 E
6290 Radio Trans Europe (tent.) 07.58- 24332 mx
6291 Radio Shadow (tent.) 09.34- 14321 only visible
6294,8 Radio Phoenix (tent.) 10.04- 14331 mx
6299,7 unid 08.32- 23222 mx
6300 unid 08.32- 22222 carrier only, breaks
6300 Radio Spaceman 10.23- 34333 E
6300 Radio Golfbreker 11.15- 23332 E
6300,15v unid 11.15- 11321 carrier
6304,7 R. Merlin Int. 16.54-17.14* 34333 E
6307 MRF Radio (tent.) 17.14-17.16* 24332 E
6305 R. Scotland Int. 09.57- 34333 E
6310 Delta Radio 08.54- 34333 E
6315 unid 10.25- 14321 mx
6316,16 Sonic Radio (tent.) 07.50- 24332 mx
6324,87 Radio Paardenkracht 10.10- 24322 E
6374,7 unid 06.43- 12331 mx
6374,95 Radio Polaris (tent.) 06.43- 23332 mx
6375,1 Radio Scirocco (tent.) 10.06- 14321 mx
6395 Radio Scirocco (tent.) 11.43-,16.50- 24332 mx
6400 unid 10.22- 13331 only visible
6420 Radio Scotland Int. 08.19- 34333 E
6450,2 Radio Marconi (tent.) 13.14- 24332 mx
6523,7 Radio Northcoast (tent.) 12.34- 15331 mx
7600 FRS Holland 09.09- 24332 E
7610 R. Amica 09.07- 24332 It.
7679,2 Central Radio Int. (tent.) 11.22- 25322 mx
9290,2v Radio Polaris (tent.) 09.13- 14331 only visible

Saturday, February 27, 2010

In this weekend my QTH is in Jyväskylä, Mid-Finland.
Here 48 metres folded dipole on the roof is partly under the snow.

3900 unid 21.29- 15331 mx
3905,3v Radio Sallandse Boer 17.54- 25332 D
5815 Radio Continental (tent.) 14.17- 24332 mx
6220 Mystery Radio 21.50- 34333 mx, jingle
6285 Radio Altrex (tent.) 09.18- 15331 mx
6292 Radio Altrex (tent.) 08.10- 25332 mx
6300,9 Radio Mustang (tent.) 09.16- 25332 mx
6324,87 Radio Paardenkracht 16.34- 35333 D, QSO
6324,9 Radio Saturnus (tent.) 14.22- 14331 mx
6324,9 unid 16.48- 15331 mx, QSO
6325 Radio Shadow (tent.) 09.14- 15441 mx
6325 Radio Quintus 16.26- 35333 D, QSO
6325,2 Radio Scirocco 16.37- 35322 D, QSO
6375,1 unid 08.14- 12331 mx
6375,2 unid 14.16- 24332 D
6375,9 unid 08.14- 12331 only visible
6425,3 unid 14.19- 24332 mx
6952,45 Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 08.12- 25332 mx
7610 Radio Amica 15.21- 24332 It.

3885 unid 20.12- 14331 mx
3905 Skyline Int. Radio (tent.) 20.10- 25332 mx
6299,9 Radio Paardenkracht 15.07- 25332 D, QSO
6299,8 unid 15.11- 15331 only visible
6300 Voice of the Netherlands 15.18- 25332 D, QSO

German action on Plasma TV interference

"Plasma-display television sets are among the worst of many modern electronic devices that cause interference on the shortwave frequencies. This interference is probably one of the reasons for the decline of shortwave listening".

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Nice antenna for 160 mb

3900 unid 16,21- 23332 D, QSO
3900,2 unid 16.23- 33333 D, QSO
3905 Skyline Int. Radio (tent.) 09.51- 25332 mx
3925,3 unid 16.18- 14331 mx
3927,7 unid 16.30- 34333 D, QSO
3929,7 Cassandra Radio (tent.) 16.28- 44333 D, QSO
3932,1 Radio Ghoul (tent.) 16.48- 24322 E
5815 Orion Radio 08.15- 35333 E
5815 Voice of the Netherlands (tent.) 10.06- 24332 mx
6200 Radio Borderhunter 09.36- 35333 E
6210,2 Time Radio (tent.) 08.51- 13331 mx
6215,2 King SW (tent.) 09.15- 15321 mx
6220 Mystery Radio 07.58- 34333 mx, jingle
6259,65 Radio Saxonia (tent.) 09.02- 23332 mx
6260 Radio Doorzetter (tent.) 09.27- 12331 only visible
6265 Elisabeth Radio (tent.) 10.22- 14331 only visible
6280 Radio Merlin Int. 08.14- 24332 E
6285 Radio Trans Europe (tent.) 09.54- 14331 mx
6289 unid 10.08- 14321 only visible, breaks
6292 Radio Altrex (tent.) 08.47- 25322 mx
6299,7 Radio Paardenkracht 13.40- 35333 D, QSO
6299,8 Radio Merlin Int. 15.50- 24332 E
6300,1 Radio Scotland Int. 13.48- 35333 D, QSO
6304,9 unid 13.57- 15331 only visible
6305 Radio Shadow (tent.) 09.10- 25322 mx
6305 Voice of the Netherlands 13.37- 45433 D, QSO
6316 unid 10.57- 13321 only visible
6324,87 Radio Rainbow 09.25- 34333 mx, jingles
6326,5v Radio Caroline Int. (tent.) 11.01- 15321 only visible
6373 unid 14.04- 24332 mx
6375,7 unid 13.33- 24222 mx
6375,9 Sonic Radio (tent.) 08.17-, 16.54- 24332 mx
6376,6 Radio Dutchwing 16.41- 43333 E
6400 unid 08.45- 14331 only visible
6400,6 unid 15.56- 12331 mx
6425,7 Radio Pionier (tent.) 09.33- 24332 mx
6449,9 unid 09.45- 24332 mx
6515,05 Radio Scotland Int. 10.12- 35333 E
6550 R. Brigitte/Hamamelis (tent.) 08.30- 15331 mx
6953,2 Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 15.59- 25332 mx
6952,4 Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 11.29- 14321 only visible
9290 Mike Radio 08.58- 35333 mx, test
9290v Shoreline Radio 10.49- 25322 E
9300 Mike Radio 09.18- 35333 mx, carrier, test

Saturday, February 20, 2010

3930 Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 20.37- 34322 mx
6215,3 King SW (tent.) 08.57- 14321 mx
6220 Mystery Radio 18.30- 34333 mx, jingle
6265 unid 16.28- 23332 mx
6281,5 Radio Altrex (tent.) 08.58- 24332 mx
6295 Voice of the Netherlands 10.05- 35333 D, E
6300 Voice of the Netherlands 09.32- 35333 E, QSO
6300 Radio Golfbreker (tent.) 16.59- 44433 mx, polka
6300,9 Radio Mustang (tent.) 09.41- 15331 mx, QSO
6301,05 Radio Scirocco (tent.) 09.45- 25332 D, QSO
6310 R. Rainbow 09.31- 34322 E
6310 unid 18.34- 15321 mx
6325,7 Sonic Radio (tent.) 08.59- 24322 mx
6375 unid 18.31- 14321 mx
6375,2 Radio Scirocco 08.50- 24322 E
6375,4 Radio Scirocco (tent.) 12.24- 24332 mx
6399,84 Radio Northcoast (tent.) 12.20- 12321 mx
6419,8 Radio Lowland 08.55- 24332 E
6450,1 Radio Marconi 10.09- 35333 D, E
6952 Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 16.31- 23322 mx
6957.93 Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 12.22- 15331 only visible

6309,9 R. Galaxy 09.37- 34333 E
6942 R. Polaris (tent.) 10.29- 14321 mx
9290,9 R. Polaris (tent.) 10.10- 14331 mx

Thursday, February 18, 2010

3931,7v Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 18.18- 24332 mx
6220 Mystery Radio 18.20- 34333 mx, jingle
6375 unid 18.33- 23232 mx

6210 CoolAM (tent.) 14.49- 14331 only visible
6255 CoolAM (tent.) 14.35- 14331 only visible
6310v Radio Partizan (tent.) 16.35- 25322 Russian, QSO?
6310,2 Radio Spaceshuttle Int. 13.25- 45444 E,Fi
6310,2 CoolAM-Spaceshuttle combinatie 15.35-16.28* 45444 E
6376,6 Radio Dutchwing 14.32- 24332 E
6399,95 Radio Northcoast (tent.) 15.50- 14331 mx
9290,3 Radio Spaceshuttle Int. 13.25- 35333 E, Fi

6310,3 Radio Spaceshuttle Int.(tent.) 12.45-12.46* 44444 mx

3932 Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 16.16- 24332 mx
6202,1 unid 13.26- 23332 mx
6205,4 Radio Spaceshuttle Int. 10.20- 45444 E, Fi
6210,2 Misti Radio (tent.) 10.41- 14331 mx, 12W
6299,3 Radio Rainbow 14.33- 24322 E
6310,3 Radio Spaceshuttle Int. 10.35- 45444 E. Fi
6400 unid 11.45- 13331 mx
6419,8 unid 12.10- 14331 mx

Sunday, February 14, 2010

4025 LHH 19.05- 24332 E
5815 Orion Radio 08.00- 34333 E
6210,2 Misti Radio (tent.) 15.41- 14331 mx
6215,2 King SW (tent.) 09.35- 14331 only visible
6220 Radio Scotland Int. 09.15- 34333 E
6220 unid 10.56- 14331 only visible
6221,8 Radio Thunderbird (tent.) 10.50- 14331 only visible
6240 CWR 09.22- 34333 E
6241,1 unid 10.19-10.22* 15331 only visible
6260,1 Radio Scirocco (tent.) 13.02- 24332 mx
6285 Radio Trans Europe (tent.) 09.40- 15331 mx
6286,3 Radio Titanic (tent.) 12.50- 14331 only visible
6290 Radio Shadow (tent.) 10,09- 24332 mx
6294,94 Radio Phoenix (tent.) 10.05- 21311 mx
6295 Radio Shadow (tent.) 08.50- 25332 mx
6300 Radio Golfbreker 11.44- 24332 D
6304,8 Radio Merlin Int. 15.36- 24332 E
6305 Cupid Radio 08.56- 35433 E
6306,8 unid 15.51- 13331 only visible
6307,1 Cupid Radio 13.10- 24322 E
6310 unid 19.10- 14331 mx
6325 unid 09.47- 24322 mx
6373 unid 11.01- 24332 mx
6375 Radio Scotland Int. 09.55- 35333 E
6375 R. Scirocco 15.30- 24322 E,D, QSO
6375,2 Radio Rob 007 (tent.) 10.02- 15331 only visible
6375,8 Radio Baken 16(tent.) 15.33- 14321 QSO
6375,9 Sonic Radio (tent.) 09.38- 14331 mx
6391,4 Central Radio Int. (tent.) 11.00- 14331 mx
6400 unid 08.55- 14331 only visible
6400,4v Radio Star (tent.) 09.01- 23332 E
6419,8 R. Lowland 13.00- 34333 E
6424,9 unid -15.58* 44333 D
6425,8 unid 13.53- 24332 mx
6450,3 Delta Radio 13.55- 24332 E
6529,9 Radio Northcoast (tent.) 12.18- 14331 mx
6957,5 Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 12.55- 25332 mx
7610 Radio Amica 08.11- 24332 It.
7670,1 Radio Polaris (tent.) 13.16- 25332 mx
7680,1 Central R. Int. (tent.) 12.16- 24332 mx
9290,8 Radio Polaris 11.07- 35333 E
12257,1 WR Int. 08.07- 24322 E
15070v Cupid Radio 09.08-,13.10- 45433 E

Saturday, February 13, 2010

6210 Radio Trans Europe (tent.) 10.17- 14331 only visible
6215,2v King SW (tent.) 08.38- 25332 mx
6265 Radio Scirocco (tent.) 10.22- 25332 mx
6281,9 Radio Altrex (tent.) 08.39- 24332 mx
6295 unid 09.37- 25332 mx
6300 Radio Tornado 10.21- 25422 mx, jingle
6307 unid 09.35- 15331 mx
6325 Radio Mustang 10.18- 22322 E, D
6400,6 unid 10.41- 14331 mx
6420,5 unid 10.44- 25432 mx
6957,4 Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 09.01- 14331 mx
7610 Radio Amica 08.50- 25332 mx
7670,6 Radio Polaris (tent.) 10.08- 24332 mx

Sunday, February 7, 2010

3905 Skyline Int. Radio 16.31- 44433 mx
3920 unid 17.30- 14321 mx
3923,9 Radio Fox48 (tent.) 20.29- 13331 only visible
3933v Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 19.31- 34322 mx
3934 unid 19.06- 24332 mx
3945 unid 17.25- 12331 only visible
3945,1 Radio Bogusman (tent.) 17.25- 12331 only visible
4013 Radio Best of British 19.20- 24332 E
4025 LHH (tent.) 19.23- 24332 mx
5799,2v Radio Polaris (tent.) 15.13- 13331 only visible
5805 unid 11.46- 14331 mx
5815 unid 10.29- 14331 mx
5820 Orion Radio 08.20- 35333 E
6215,2 Radio Merlin Int. 17.43-17.54* 23332 E
6215,3 King SW (tent.) 08.45- 15331 mx
6220 Mystery Radio 15.24- 33333 It.
6240,2 Free Radio Victoria (tent.) 09.21- 15331 mx
6265,1 Radio Milliwatti 08.50-,-10.19* 45433 E, Fi
6290 Radio Shadow (tent.) 08.54- 15431 mx
6295 unid 15.08- 14331 mx
6300 Voice of the Netherlands 09.38- 35333 E
6305 unid 08.55- 24332 birds, later mx
6310 Radio Malaisy 14.42- 23322 mx, jingle
6376,6 Radio Dutchwing 14.45- 23332 E
6398,8 unid 10.27- 14331 mx
6450 Radio Marconi 11.12- 34333 E
6942 Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 14.38-14.40* 13331 only visible
9979 Central Radio Int. 09.15- 25311 mx
12257,1 WR Int. 08.30- 25322 E

Saturday, February 6, 2010

5820 Orion Radio (tent.) 13.03- 24332 mx
5830 Radio Baken 16(tent.) 13.04- 14331 only visible
6220 Radio Baken 16(tent.) 14.54. 23332 mx
6325 unid 13.53- 24332 mx
6374,4 Flux AM (tent.) 14.25- 24332 mx
6400,5 unid 13.05- 13331 mx
6419,8 Checkpoint R. 15.07- 44433
6942 Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) *14.44- 25332 mx
6955 Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 14.36-14.44* 25332 mx
6957 Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 12.28- 14331 mx
9290 Mike Radio 14.23-14.24* 25332 E
9300 Mike Radio (tent.) 13.56- 14331 mx

SWR on air again


Scandinavian Weekend Radio is Scandinavia's first private shortwave station. Studios and transmitters are located in Virrat, western Finland. (N 62°23' E 23°37')

SWR is on the air at every months first Saturday 24 hours, starting 0:00 local time. (+2 UTC) SWR broadcasts on mediumwave 1602 kHz and on shortwaves 11720, 11690, 5980 and 6170 kHz.