Logs 17 Jan 2025
1 hour ago
Pirate radio logs - Free Radio - DXing in south western Finland, etc. - Piraattiradioblogi - piraattiloki - ja ym.
12.1.2025 | ||||
5800 | R. Contikenzo | 08.31- | 35343 | D |
6040 | Golden Oldies R. | 08.32- | 35333 | D |
6210 | unid | 16.12- | 35333 | mx |
6266,4 | Merseyland Alternative R. | 16.11- | 24332 | E |
6279,1 | unid | 20.25- | 24322 | mx |
6285 | R. Monique | 16.10- | 45444 | E |
6287,4 | R. Markies (tent.) | 14.35- | 25332 | mx |
6295 | R. Batavia | 16.09- | 45444 | E |
6295,2 | R. Markies | 20.20- | 35333 | D |
6300,3 | Studio Vrij Oldebroek/Polder FM | 08.27- | 35322 | D |
6306,3 | R. Sombrero | 10.35- | 45444 | E, Fi |
6399,9 | unid | 16.40- | 25332 | mx |
6870 | R. Europe | 16.41- | 34333 | mx |
6931 | Indy R. (tent.) | 20.15- | 22232 | mx |
4.1.2024 | ||||
5800 | unid | 09.34- | 15331 | mx |
6206,6 | R. Mordor | 08.04-08.59* | 45444 | E |
6210 | unid | 17.10- | 25332 | mx |
6280 | R. Taxus | 09.05- | 25322 | E |
6280 | R. Monique | 16.58- | 45444 | E |
6290 | unid | 09.04- | 15321 | mx |
6300 | unid | 17.01- | 25332 | mx |
6325 | WMR | 17.02- | 35333 | E |
6950 | unid | 17.03- | 35343 | mx |
7399,9 | R. Marconi Int. | 16.52- | 25332 | E, It |
11389,7 | R. Marconi Int. | 16.50- | 15321 | E, It |
Yesterday I heard a station on the frequency 6260kHz, but I couldn't understand from the announcement which station it was. Do you know which station it was? Links to audio samples below.
Edit: With the help of other listeners, it was found out that the station is Radio Afterburner. Thank You!
31.12.24 | ||||
4950 | R. Moon Air | 16.45- | 35343 | E |
5800 | R. Contikenzo | 08.35- | 35333 | D |
5800 | R. Contikenzo | 16.50- | 45444 | D |
6200 | unid | 10.05- | 25311 | mx |
6260 | unid | 18.18- | 35333 | mx |
6280 | R. Contikenzo | 10.02- | 35232 | D |
6280 | LHH | 15.41- | 35343 | E |
6285 | R. Abu Dhabi | 15.19- | 45444 | mx |
6285 | LHH | 18.30- | 35333 | E |
6295 | R. Action | 15.03- | 45444 | mx, jingles |
6295 | R. Abu Dhabi | 15.40- | 45444 | E, QSY from 6285 |
6300 | unid | 10.01- | 25322 | mx |
6300 | Abu Dhabi R. | 12.10- | 35343 | E |
6305 | R. Pioneer AM | 16.44- | 45444 | E |
6325 | unid | 10.09-10.47* | 35322 | D |
6325 | R. Sombrero | 12.31- | 35343 | E, Fi |
6325 | R. Black Power | 15.04- | 45444 | D |
6940LSB | JVG | 15.10- | 45444 | mx |
29.12.24 | ||||
5800 | R. Contikenzo | 20.30- | 35333 | D |
5840 | R. Contikenzo | 17.27- | 45444 | D |
5880 | R. Rock Revolution | 17.28- | 35333 | mx, jingles |
6205 | unid | 16.08- | 35333 | mx |
6210 | King SW (tent.) | 17.21- | 35333 | mx |
6222 | LHH (tent.) | 17.20- | 35343 | mx |
6225 | LHH | 19.01- | 45333 | E |
6266,3 | unid | 18.57- | 24232 | mx |
6279,2 | unid | 16.06- | 33333 | mx |
6290 | Flux AM | 14.40- | 35333 | E |
6306,3 | R. Sombrero | 15.32- | 35333 | E, Fi |
6325 | WMR | 07.40- | 35333 | E |
PropagationStats |
Solar X-rays: | From n3kl.org
Latest Ionograms: Sodankylä, Finland & Svalbard & Dourbes, Belgium & Juliusruh, Germany |