Sunday, January 13, 2013


6201 R. ACDC 15.42- 22332 mx
6210,6 R. Rockefeller 15.32- 44343 E
6214,5v unid 09.33- 25232 mx, bad modulation
6216,9 Delta R. 14.58- 24332 E
6267 unid 14.54- 45444 mx
6285 R. Osaka (tent.) 11.02- 25332 mx
6287,2 unid -15.22* 45444 mx
6292 unid 10.01- 25332 mx
6300 unid 11.13-11.21* 25332 D
6300 unid 15.01-15.03* 24332 D
6325 R. Tina 15.22- 45333 G
6375,2 unid 15.07- 34333 E
6552,7 R Pioneer 15.46- 34333 E
6552,8 R. Pink Panther (tent.) 09.28- 25332 mx
6925LSB BSR 15.28-, 19.10- 45444 E
6942,5 IMR 09.31- 25332 E
7529,4 R. Focus (tent.) 15.44- 25332 mx
11401 R. Waves Int. 08.42- 24332 E, Fr
12257,1 WR Int. 08.40- 24332 E

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we know who the unid with the bad mod is. its is king shortwave from the uk. what is up with him, can,t he sort it out.? its be going on for a long time. good signal, but the mod lets the station down.!!!