3935 unid 19.50- 15331 only visible
4015 LHH 20.10- 45333 E
5800 R. Saturnus (tent.) 07.24- 25232 mx
6200 R. Orang Utan 07.22- 25311 E
6220 unid 08.46- 15321 only visible
6240 R. Tina 19.39- 45333 E, G
6255,1 R. Altrex (tent.) 17.02- 14331 only visible
6282 R. Shadow (tent.) 07.26- 25322 mx
6284,9 unid 18.25- 24332 mx
6300 unid 08.39- 12321 only visible
6300 unid 12.38- 15331 mx
6300,7 unid 08.39- 12331 mx
6304,8 R. Marconi 18.19- 45333 D
6305 unid 12.55- 14231 mx
6305 unid 13.07- 44433 mx
6305 R. Marconi 16.40- 35333 D
6315,3 R. Lowland 16.42-16.45* 35333 E
6324,9 unid 11.33- 44322 mx
6325 unid -18.37* 34232 mx
6325,2 R. Foxfire (tent.) 16.49- 22232 mx
6375,6 unid 12.39- 15331 mx
6375,6 unid 20.36- 45333 mx
6394,8 unid 07.28- 15321 only visible
6400,8 unid 12.51- 14331 mx
6420,8 unid 12.40- 13231 only visible
6510 R. Pink Panther 20.12- 45333 E
6930 Irish Music Radio (tent.) 20.27- 25332 E
6940 LHH 20.29- 35333 E
6959,9 R. Atlantic (tent.) 20.31- 45333 carrier only or low modulation
12265,1 R. Spaceshuttle Int. (tent.) 11.39- 25311 mx
3901,5 Delta Radio 20.19- 45333 E
4015 LHH 20.20- 45333 E
5815,3 R. Hercules (tent.) 20.41- 35333 mx
6207,1 R. Caroline Int. 19.21- 45343 E
6219,9 FSM (tent.) 19.09- 25332 mx
6240,3 Free Radio Victoria 20.21- 45333 E
6265 R. Tina 19.05- 43343 E
6290,4 R. Caroline / Rainbow 19.56- 44333 E
6294,9 R. Zodiac 20.10- 44333 E
6295,1 R. Black Arrow (tent.) 19.55- 44333 mx
6300 unid 19.52- 33333 mx
6305 R. Doc Einstein (tent.) 20.33- 45333 mx
6305 unid 20.51- 45444 mx
6315 unid 19.42- 34333 mx
6325,3 unid 18.25- 33232 mx
6375 R. Mustang 19.00- 45343 E
6375 Fox 48 (tent.) 20.48- 25332 mx
6390 Premier R. (tent.) 19.36- 12321 E
6418,8 Studio 52 18.23- 33333 mx
6485 Premier R. (tent.) 20.37- 14221 mx
6510 R. Pink Panther 20.40- 35333 E
6524 unid 20.13- 35333 mx
6930 Irish Music Radio (tent.) 20.15- 25332 mx
6940 LHH 20-16- 25332 E
6959,9 R. Atlantic (tent.) 20.18- 35333 carrier only or low modulation
12265,1 R. Spaceshuttle Int. 18.32- 45433 E, Fi
SW/MW Logs 06/03/25
5 hours ago
Hi Rick,
lot of thanks for such 2 lgs of us.
Its very interesting, because transmission on 6207kcs was with a power of about 70watts and the second transmission on 6290kcs any time later with only 25watts.
Thanks for comments Caroline!
6207 was peaking to S9+20dB and 6290 to S9+10dB
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