6220 Mystery R. (tent.) 19.46- 33333 mx
6304,3 unid 15.35- 35333 mx
6310 unid 16.52- 15331 only visible
6310 unid 19.48- 45433 mx
6400,6 unid 19.40- 24332 mx
6425 Radio Alice 19.42- 45333 D, E
6925USB Spider Radio 20.05 35333 mx, jingle
6929,9 Radio Kima (tent.) 16.50- 15331 mx
6960 Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 19.44- 35333 mx
3931,8 unid 19.35- 25332 mx
3940 LHH (tent.) 20.32- 24332 mx
5820 Orion R.(tent.) 08.16- 15331 mx
6220 Mystery R. (tent.) 08.10- 24322 mx
6291,5 Radio Altrex (tent.) 08.17- 15331 only visible
6310 unid 16.34- 24332 mx
6449,9 Radio Marconi (tent.) 16.30- 45333 mx
6960,2 Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 17.15- 15431 mx
6994,1 Best of British (tent.) 17.13- 15431 mx
7600,2 FRS Holland (tent.) 08.40- 15331 only visible
7610 Radio Atlantic2000 / Amica 13.45- 15331 mx
12257,2 WR Int. 08.14- 25322 E
3930 Radio Saturnus (tent.) 20.09- 24332 mx
6220 Mystery R. (tent.) 17.50- 44333 mx
6308 unid 20.02- 25332 mx
6325 Radio Ten (tent.) 19.10- 33232 mx
6449,9 Radio Lowland 20.30- 44444 E, D
6450 unid 18.15- 24332 mx
6925USB Spider Radio (tent.) 20.07- 25332 mx
4940 LHH (tent.) 19.47- 24332 mx
6210,1 unid 17.25- 24332 mx
6215,3 King SW (tent.) 07.38- 15321 only visible
6220 Mystery R. (tent.) 20.20- 43333 mx
6283 Radio Shadow (tent.) 07.45- 14331 only visible
6305 unid 17.22- 15331 only visible
6324,7 unid 17.23- 24332 mx
6325,5 Sonic Radio (tent.) 07.35- 14321 only visible
6400,6 FRS Holland (tent.) 08.02- 14331 only visible
6449,9 Radio Marconi 19.48- 44433 D, E, QSO
6450 Radio Alice 19.42-, 19.56- 44433 D, QSO
6925USB Spider Radio (tent.) 20.11- 25332 mx
6960LSB Radio Jan Van Gent (tent.) 2013- 24332 mx
7580 Mike Radio 07.58- 25332 E
7600,1 FRS Holland (tent.) 15.17- 15331 only visible
9300,5 FRS Holland (tent.) 08.05- 15331 only visible
3905 Skyline Int. Radio 22.23- 45433 E
3940 LHH 23.25- 24332 E
6220 Mystery R. (tent.) 17.50- 44333 mx
6306,5 Farmers from Holland (tent.) 17.48- 24322 mx
6309,9 Radio Marconi 14.31- 34333 E
SW/MW Logs 06/03/25
4 hours ago
Hi Rick,
the station you received on 05-06-2010 at 19.10hrs on 6325kcs was "R.Ten" from Austria.
Best wishes,
R.Caroline Intern.
Thanks for the info!
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