Hello friends,
Doing the big pile of reports from the east continent valentine broadcast , I have worked out a new broadcast
for sunday 21 of march
This date was chosen because some japanese dx`rs will try to receive me.
The last px was heard in severall country`s from the east, there were loads of reports from japan, kazakhstan, NewZealand, ukranie , russia , and the edges of europe , good working that day
I hope that the conditions will be as good like februarie
my scedule is
sunday 21 march
freq 15.070 MHZ
start 09:00 utc : ending 11:00 utc
TX: 400 watts
antenna 3 elements beam aimed at 45 degrees from qth , straight over russia , china, korea, japan , New Zealand
The frequencie will be 15.070 mhz
lets hope the signal will stop again in newzealand
any report is welkom
cupid radio
p.o. box 9
8096 ZG
well happy dx all
SW/MW Logs 06/03/25
4 hours ago
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