6210 R. Pluto (tent.) 10.09- 14311 mx
6210,2 Time R. 08.32-,-09.40* 24332 E
6210,2 Misti Radio 12.38- 24332 E
6210,2 unid 13.20- 14331 only visible
6215 unid 12.35- 24332 carrier only
6215,4 unid 10.29- 14321 mx
6220 R. Caroline Int.(tent.) 11.32- 24322 mx
6265 R. Borderhunter 12.52- 35333 D
6265,8 R. Spaceshuttle Int. 08,34-,-09.18* 35433 E
6264,8 R. Pluto (tent.) 09.22- 15331 mx
6280 Radio Trans Europe (tent.) 11.00- 14331 mx
6289,4 R. Rainbow 12.35- 24322 E, breaks
6300 unid 13.17- 25332 mx
6309,8 R. Altrex (tent.) 08.37- 14331 mx
6310,1 unid 10.39- 24332 mx
6320 unid 13.08- 24322 E
6325 unid 13.07- 23232 mx
6326,3 R. MagicAM 10.16- 34333 E,D
6529,8 Marine Broadcaster (tent.) 12.41- 15331 only visible
6957 R. Jan Van Gent (tent.) 10.07- 24332 mx
7610 R. Amica (tent.) 12.48- 25332 mx
SW/MW Logs 06/03/25
4 hours ago
1 comment:
the station you received at 11.32hrs on 6220kcs could have been us, because we were transmitting at this time on that frequency!
Best wishes,
Radio Caroline International.
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