27.12.2009, received in Jyväskylä, mid Finland
3900 unid 12.50- 25332 mx
3900 R. Bluestar 16.10- 35322 E
4025 LHH (tent.) 14.16- 24322 E
5799,8 FRS Holland 08.02- 25332 E
5815 R. Orion 08.03- 44433 E
6202 R. Scotland Int. 09.41- 44444 E
6210,2 Misti R. 14.41- 23332 E
6210,9 R. Perfekt (tent.) 10.33- 23332 mx
6215,7v King SW (tent.) 08.00- 13331 mx
6220 Mystery R.(tent.) 07.59- 44433 mx
6240 CWR 09.09- 44333 E
6240,2 Free Radio Victoria 10.40- 34322 E
6259,7 unid 09.12- 34333 mx
6260,1 R. Activity 13.48-14.00 23332 E
6270,3 R. Perfekt (tent.) 10.18- 24332 carrier
6280,25 R. Merlin Int. 07.58- 24332 E
6290 R. Trans Europe (tent.) 11.15- 24322 mx
6290 R. Activity (tent.) -15.10* 25332 mx
6296,1 R. Titanic (tent.) 12.04- 24332 E
6298,1 VOTN 09.48- 44444 E
6300 unid 11.32- 33333 D
6300 R. Boomerang 15.26- 44444 E, short test
6305 R. Malaisy (tent.) 09.10- 44433 mx
6310V R. Mazda 08.27- 44333 E,D
6310 unid 09.51- 21431 visible only
6310 Grensstad Radio (tent.) 10.24- 24322 mx
6310 unid 19.00- 24332 mx
6315 unid 19.17- 13331 visible only
6320,1 R. Activity 14.46- 23322 E
6324,2 unid 11.20- 21331 mx
6324,4 unid 11.20- 21331 mx
6324,5 Techno R. 11.54-12.00* 34322 E
6325 unid 07.57- 14331 visible only
6325 R. Baken 16 (tent.) 12.02- 14321 mx
6325 R. Boomerang (tent.) 12.44- 44444 mx
6325,2 unid 13.10- 21331 visible only
6385,5 R. Dutchwing 12.14- 34333 E
6400,5 R. Delta 12.15-,-12.59* 23322 E
6404,9 R. Marconi (tent.) 09.43- 44433 mx
6417 R. Marconi (tent.) 11.39- 44433 mx
6424,9 R. Marconi (tent.) 12.48- 44433 mx
6450 R. Marconi 13.02- 44433
6550 R. Brigitte (tent.) 10.08- 15421 mx
6870 R. PlayBack Int.(tent.) 07.55- 34333 mx
7599 R. Pacman (tent.) 13.15- 14331 mx
7610,1 R. Amica 08.11- 25332 It.
7670,9 R. Baken 16 13.32- 34333 E
7685,1 FRS Holland 08.13- 24332 E
9301 FRS Holland 14.10- 25332 E
12257,2 WR Int. 08.25- 24322 E
SW/MW Logs 06/03/25
4 hours ago
50 loggings on shortwave in one day. Must be a new finnish record?
Nice work Rick!
Jan II, west coast Finland
Hi Jan II, I don't know if record but big loglist anyway, conditions was good and also some low power stations was possible to hear
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