skip to main |
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28.4.2013 |
6304,8 |
R. Merlin Int. |
07.05- |
25322 |
E |
6422,3 |
SWC Holland |
15.10- |
25322 |
D, E |
6422,3 |
SWC Holland |
17.05- |
45333 |
D |
6552,8 |
R. Pink Panther (tent.) |
17.02- |
25332 |
mx |
11401 |
06.45- |
25322 |
E |
12257,1 |
WR Int. |
07.50- |
25222 |
E |
27.4.2013 |
3905 |
unid |
20.12- |
35343 |
mx |
4029 |
20.15- |
45343 |
E |
6209,9 |
unid |
18.50- |
25342 |
mx |
6245 |
R. Black Bandit |
17.36-19.17* |
45343 |
E |
6245 |
SluweVos R. |
19.19-19.25* |
45343 |
E, D, QSO |
6265,8 |
unid |
17.40- |
14331 |
mx |
6285,2 |
unid |
18.46- |
34333 |
E |
6290 |
R. Waldmeister |
19.27- |
35333 |
D |
6299,9 |
unid |
19.26- |
35333 |
mx |
6300,1 |
unid |
17.43- |
15331 |
mx |
6305 |
R. Spaceshuttle Int. |
20.10- |
45444 |
E |
6307 |
unid |
17.42- |
25332 |
mx |
6325,8 |
R. Caroline Int. |
18.40- |
44343 |
E |
6425 |
R. Universe |
20.17- |
44343 |
6552,8 |
R. Pink Panther (tent.) |
17.45- |
25332 |
mx |
21.4.2013 |
3905 |
Skyline Int. R. |
17.59- |
34333 |
E, D |
6199,6 |
unid |
07.04- |
14331 |
only carrier visible |
6240 |
unid |
17.05- |
24332 |
mx |
6285 |
unid |
17.07- |
35333 |
G |
6300 |
unid |
07.02- |
15321 |
mx |
6305 |
R. Osaka |
17.08- |
35333 |
E |
6325,9 |
R. Onda Caliente |
17.40- |
35333 |
E |
6552,8 |
R. Pink Panther (tent.) |
17.10- |
35333 |
mx |
6937,5 |
IMR (tent.) |
17.58- |
35333 |
mx |
20.4.2013 |
4029 |
19.17- |
34333 |
E |
6204,8 |
unid |
07.15- |
24322 |
mx |
6210,2 |
R. Marabu |
19.06- |
24232 |
G |
6285 |
unid |
10.30- |
25322 |
mx |
6285 |
unid |
17.12- |
25332 |
mx |
6295 |
unid |
17.11- |
35333 |
D |
6300 |
R. Odynn |
19.04- |
45444 |
D |
6305 |
unid |
17.09- |
35333 |
mx |
6325 |
unid |
17.21- |
25332 |
mx |
6325,8 |
R. Caroline Int. |
19.05- |
45444 |
E |
6449 |
Studio 52 |
19.24- |
33333 |
E |
6552,8 |
R. Pink Panther (tent.) |
08.20- |
35322 |
mx |
6552,8 |
R. Pink Panther |
19.29- |
45333 |
E, D |
6745,2 |
unid |
19.19- |
33343 |
mx |
6920 |
unid |
17.13- |
35333 |
mx |
6932,5 |
IMR (tent.) |
17.15- |
25332 |
mx |
14.4.2013 |
4029 |
19.27- |
35343 |
E |
6205,8 |
unid |
18.40- |
25332 |
G |
6219,8 |
R. Caroline Int. |
17.27- |
44343 |
E |
6219,9 |
R. Python |
19.42- |
23332 |
E |
6239,5 |
unid |
16.51- |
34343 |
mx |
6244,3 |
R. Underground |
19.25- |
45343 |
E |
6255 |
unid |
17.39- |
44343 |
mx |
6265 |
unid |
16.49- |
44343 |
mx |
6267 |
unid |
17.46- |
45444 |
mx |
6275 |
unid |
17.21- |
42332 |
mx |
6285 |
R. Bogusman |
16.50- |
45343 |
E |
6299,6 |
R. Underground |
20.14- |
44333 |
E |
6300,6 |
unid |
17.44- |
34333 |
mx |
6305 |
R. Powerliner |
19.18- |
44444 |
D, E |
6305,1 |
unid |
16.57- |
25332 |
mx |
6305,4 |
unid |
18.42- |
42332 |
mx |
6324,9 |
unid |
16.59- |
14331 |
only carrier visible |
6325,6 |
R. Merlin Int. |
19.20- |
35333 |
E |
6552,8 |
R. Pink Panther |
17.01- |
34333 |
E |
6932,5 |
19.29- |
35343 |
E |
9910LSB |
14.29-, 17.13- |
35343 |
E, short tests |
11401 |
09.12- |
25211 |
E, Fr |
12257,1 |
09.07- |
25211 |
mx |
13.4.2013 |
3904,9 |
R. Alice |
18.30- |
45343 |
E |
3932,1 |
MRF Radio |
20.20- |
35322 |
E |
4029 |
18.08- |
35333 |
E |
6205 |
unid |
19.00- |
25332 |
mx |
6210 |
unid |
19.08- |
12331 |
only carrier visible |
6210,3 |
unid |
19.08- |
14331 |
mx |
6240 |
unid |
13.25- |
15331 |
mx |
6240 |
unid |
18.59- |
25332 |
mx |
6270,1 |
unid |
16.12- |
25332 |
mx |
6271 |
R. Telstar Int. |
17.33- |
45333 |
D, E |
6280 |
R. Morningstar (tent.) |
18.49- |
25332 |
mx |
6290 |
unid |
14.18- |
13331 |
mx |
6290 |
unid |
18.39- |
35333 |
mx |
6295 |
unid |
13.26- |
15331 |
mx |
6300 |
R. Powerliner |
16.50-16.55* |
35333 |
D, E, QSY to 6305 |
6304,9 |
R. Norton (tent.) |
18.34- |
25232 |
mx |
6305 |
R. Shadowman |
13.28- |
35333 |
D |
6305 |
R. Powerliner |
*16.55- |
35333 |
D |
6374 |
R. Black Bandit |
17.36- |
45444 |
D |
6529,8 |
Sundown R. |
17.05- |
35322 |
mx, jingle |
6540 |
Free R. Victoria |
17.09- |
44333 |
mx, E |
6552,8 |
R. Pink Panther |
17.03- |
45333 |
mx |
6745,2 |
R. Pioneer (tent.) |
14.22- |
15331 |
mx |
6932,5 |
17.50- |
25332 |
E |
A low-power station
from Moscow is now broadcasting once a week on 25900
kHz shortwave. Radio Zeleny Glazh (Radio Green Eyes)
can be heard at 1200-1500 UTC each Friday. The station
is run by students of the Moscow Technical University
of Communications and
Informatics (MTUCI). Transmitter power is 400 watts,
but on April 5 the station was already heard as
far away as North America. Earlier in March the
same transmitter was used for DRM transmissions.
The station is broadcasting also on 1584 kHz mediumwave
in Moscow.
(, April 6, 2013)
7.4.2013 |
4029 |
19.14- |
44333 |
E |
6205,9 |
R. Devalon (tent.) |
08.30- |
15321 |
only carrier visible |
6210,4 |
unid |
16.36- |
24332 |
mx |
6239,9 |
unid |
17.59- |
45343 |
D |
6267,1 |
unid |
08.33- |
14221 |
mx |
6275 |
unid |
15.46- |
25322 |
E |
6285 |
Tip and Elvis show |
07.32- |
35322 |
D, E |
6285 |
Tip and Elvis show |
18.59-20.02* |
45444 |
E, D |
6285 |
MRF Radio |
*20.02-20.04* |
35343 |
E, reports to Tip&Elvis |
6300 |
R. Contact |
18.25- |
44343 |
E |
6305 |
unid |
09.21- |
15331 |
only carrier visible |
6305 |
R. Waldmeister |
17.28- |
24332 |
E |
6305 |
R. Powerliner |
20.10- |
45444 |
E, D |
6324 |
unid |
08.35- |
13321 |
only carrier visible |
6324 |
unid |
17.30- |
24332 |
mx |
6325,8 |
R. Rainbow / Caroline |
17.58- |
45343 |
E |
6452 |
R. Universe (tent.) |
07.36- |
15331 |
mx |
6552,8 |
R. Pink Panther (tent.) |
09.26- |
15321 |
only carrier visible |
6552,8 |
R. Pink Panther |
15.45- |
35333 |
E |
6725 |
DartStreamer/BlackBandit |
15.35-15.42* |
45333 |
E |
6932,5 |
19.10- |
34333 |
E |
7590 |
R. Thunderbird (tent.) |
07.58- |
15321 |
only carrier visible |
9900,1LSB |
10.41- |
45444 |
E |
11401 |
08.50- |
45322 |
E, Fr |
12257,1 |
WR Int. |
07.34- |
34322 |
E |
6.4.2013 |
3904,9 |
R. Alice |
19.10- |
45444 |
D, E |
4029 |
19.32- |
45444 |
E |
6210 |
unid |
17.06- |
35333 |
mx |
6240 |
R. Caroline Int. |
17.34- |
44444 |
E |
6270 |
unid |
18.44- |
34333 |
E |
6275 |
unid |
18.46- |
34333 |
mx |
6290 |
unid |
17.08- |
35333 |
D |
6290 |
unid |
17.54- |
44444 |
mx |
6300 |
unid |
17.52- |
44444 |
mx |
6300 |
unid |
18.43- |
45444 |
mx |
6305 |
R. Poweliner |
21.00- |
44444 |
E, D |
6310 |
R. Telstar (tent.) |
18.01–18.03* |
44444 |
D |
6324 |
R. Malibu |
17.10- |
45333 |
D, E |
6325 |
unid |
18.58- |
44333 |
D, E |
6552,8 |
R. Pink Panther (tent.) |
17.12- |
35333 |
mx |
6745,1 |
unid |
19.44- |
45333 |
mx |
6932,5 |
19.40- |
24332 |
E |
1.4.2013 |
6210,4 |
unid |
09.44- |
15321 |
mx |
6239,5 |
R. Tina |
15.21-15.47* |
25332 |
E, ABBA mx |
6240 |
R. Soundwave (tent.) |
07.41- |
15331 |
only carrier visible |
6240 |
R. Saturnus (tent.) |
14.08- |
25322 |
mx |
6254,9 |
SluweVos R. |
14.10- |
25332 |
D |
6255 |
R. Boomerang |
14.12- |
45333 |
D, QSO |
6260 |
unid |
08.50- |
34333 |
mx |
6270 |
unid |
08.51- |
14331 |
only carrier visible |
6284,7 |
unid |
07.27- |
12331 |
only carrier visible |
6285 |
unid |
07.27- |
12331 |
only carrier visible |
6290,3 |
unid |
14.29- |
15321 |
only carrier visible |
6293 |
R. Scotland Int. |
08.26- |
45333 |
E |
6295 |
unid |
09.18- |
15321 |
mx |
6299 |
unid |
08.31-08.34* |
44333 |
mx |
6305 |
Tip and Elvis show |
07.10- |
45444 |
E |
6306,4 |
R. Malibu |
16.49- |
44333 |
D, E |
6320 |
unid |
08.39-08.47* |
45333 |
mx |
6326,8 |
R. Bila Dira |
17.38- |
45444 |
Cz, E |
6326 |
R. Aliviabar (tent.) |
07.39- |
15331 |
only carrier visible |
6440,3 |
R. Zwarte Panther(tent.) |
09.07- |
25332 |
mx, bad modulation |
6450 |
R. Universe (tent.) |
07.29- |
24332 |
mx |
6450 |
R. Scotland Int. |
09.10- |
45333 |
E, D, QSO |
6539,9 |
R. Norton (tent.) |
14.17- |
15331 |
only carrier visible |
6552,8 |
R. Pink Panther (tent.) |
09.39- |
25322 |
mx |
6915 |
unid |
08.16- |
15331 |
mx |
6930 |
R. North Pole (tent.) |
08.56- |
15331 |
mx |
7600 |
R. North Pole (tent.) |
08.40- |
25232 |
mx |
9946LSB |
15.10- |
44444 |
E, breaks |
9955LSB |
17.16- |
44444 |
E |