SW/MW Logs 06/03/25
1 hour ago
Pirate radio logs - Free Radio - DXing in south western Finland, etc. - Piraattiradioblogi - piraattiloki - ja ym.
19.2.2012 | ||||
4015 | LHH | 18.42- | 35333 | E |
5820 | Orion Radio | 09.19- | 35333 | E |
6200 | R. Orang Utan | 08.10- | 25342 | E |
6205 | Sluwe Vos R. (tent.) | 11.38- | 15331 | mx |
6219,7 | R. Caroline Int. | 10.39- | 24332 | E |
6220 | unid | 16.13- | 23232 | mx |
6220,2 | unid | 09.06- | 12231 | mx |
6240 | unid | 10.09-10.44* | 25332 | mx |
6262,8 | unid | 12.37- | 15321 | only visible |
6266,1v | unid | 12.35 | 15331 | only visible |
6290,1 | R. Flying Dutchman (tent.) | 09.28- | 25322 | mx |
6295,1 | FSM (tent.) | 12.32- | 15331 | mx |
6299,4 | R. Zeewolf (tent.) | 09.16- | 25322 | mx |
6300 | R. De Wittereus | 15.13- | 24332 | D, E |
6303,9 | R. Powerliner | 18.11- | 34333 | E |
6305 | unid | 12.10- | 15321 | only visible |
6305USB | FSM | 19.29- | 35333 | E |
6310 | R. Condor (tent.) | 10.07- | 25322 | mx |
6315,4 | Bad Boys R. | 18.09- | 43333 | mx |
6325 | Misti Radio (tent.) | 10.37- | 25322 | mx |
6375 | EtherCannibaal (Black Bandit) | 16.14-16.15* | 45444 | D |
6375 | unid | 16.15- | 25332 | mx, QSO? |
6375,2 | R. Telstar (tent.) | 15.10- | 25332 | mx |
6510 | R. RisingSun (tent.) | 10.42- | 13321 | mx |
6570 | unid | 12.40- | 15321 | only visible |
6920LSB | BSR | 10.27- | 45444 | E |
6930,05 | Irish Music Radio (tent.) | 08.12- | 25342 | mx |
6959,6 | R. Atlantic (tent.) | 08.14- | 35343 | mx |
6959,7 | R. Atlantic | 18.45- | 45333 | E |
6970 | LHH (tent.) | 08.16- | 25342 | mx |
7480 | CWR | 10.02- | 35333 | E, G |
7480,5 | R. Thunderbird | 09.04- | 25332 | E |
7499,76 | Shoreline Radio | 10.24- | 23332 | E |
7510 | R. Pacman (tent.) | -11.03* | 25332 | E |
18.2.2012 | ||||
4015 | LHH | 18.03- | 35343 | E |
6170 | Misti Radio | 08.43- | 25332 | E |
6220,1 | R. Telstar | 16.34- | 34333 | mx, jingles |
6262,15 | unid | 15.47- | 22332 | mx |
6294,8 | unid | 15.44- | 34333 | E |
6299,3 | R. Oscar Zulu | 21.01- | 45333 | E |
6302,1 | R. Altrex | 08.35- | 25322 | mx |
6305,3 | Free Radio Victoria | 15.55- | 43333 | E |
6307 | Misti Radio | 16.25- 17.02* | 44333 | E |
6374,7 | R. Caroline Int. | 17.03- | 44343 | E |
6930 | Irish Music Radio (tent.) | 08.38- | 25332 | mx |
6940 | Trans Europe Radio | 15.40- | 45333 | E |
6959,7 | R. Atlantic | 15.43- | 24332 | E |
6970 | LHH | 08.40- | 25332 | E |
12.2.2012 | ||||
3905 | unid | 18.55- | 15331 | mx, low mod |
4015 | Laser Hot Hits | 18.59- | 34333 | E |
5805 | R. Lady Angel hit-mixteam | 20.16- | 45333 | E |
5820 | Orion Radio | 08.17- | 35333 | E, D |
6172 | Misti Radio | 08.25- | 35322 | E |
6200 | R. Orang Utan (tent.) | 08.05- | 25322 | mx |
6206,7 | unid | 09.45- | 15331 | mx |
6220 | R. Merlin Int. | 08.23- | 25322 | E |
6290,3 | unid | 09.47- | 15331 | mx |
6303,2 | R. Altrex | 08.12- | 25322 | E, D |
6305 | R. Boomerang | 15.01- | 45444 | D, E |
6306 | R. Altrex (tent.) | 15.44- | 25332 | mx |
6315 | R. Altrex (tent.) | 15.00- | 24332 | mx |
6325 | Misti Radio (tent.) | 10.10- | 25322 | mx |
6325 | Misti Radio | 15.41- | 35343 | E |
6330 | unid | 14.58- | 14331 | mx |
6374,44 | R. Caroline Int. | 16.10- | 45433 | E |
6382 | unid | 10.28- | 45444 | mx |
6426,5 | R. Elvis | 16.14- | 34333 | E |
6510 | R. RisingSun (tent.) | 14.47- | 25332 | mx |
6920LSB | BSR | 09.30- | 45444 | E |
6930 | Irish Music Radio | 19.03- | 35322 | E |
6970 | Laser Hot Hits | 19.00- | 35322 | E |
7375 | unid | 10.05- | 24332 | mx |
7475 | Trans Europe Radio (tent.) | 10.24- | 35322 | mx |
7490 | Geronimo SW | 09.42- | 45333 | E |
7510 | unid | 10.07- | 15321 | mx |
12257,1 | WR Int. | 08.40- | 24332 | E |
11.2.2012 | ||||
6172 | Misti Radio | 08.27- 08.48* | 35333 | E |
6245,2 | unid | 15.40- | 33322 | mx |
6300 | unid | 17.45-17.47* | 45444 | mx |
6300,1 | unid | 15.34- | 34333 | E |
6303 | R. Altrex | 08.17- | 35322 | E |
6325 | Misti Radio | 15.38-16.01* | 34333 | E |
6374,5 | R. Caroline-Rainbow | 16.17- | 44444 | E |
6510 | R. RisingSun (tent.) | 15.36- | 25332 | mx |
6930 | Irish Music Radio (tent.) | 17.09- | 35333 | E |
6970 | Laser Hot Hits | 17.05- | 35333 | E |
5.2.2012 | ||||
5804 | R. Bluestar | 15.51- | 45343 | E |
6219,5 | R. Caroline Int. | 16.38- | 45343 | E |
6295,1 | unid | 14.35- | 15331 | only visible |
6300,7 | unid | 14.30-14.41* | 15331 | mx |
6305 | unid | 15.50- | 25342 | E |
6305 | R. Sallandse Boer | 16.32-16.36* | 44444 | D, QSO |
6305 | unid | 16.36- | 24332 | D, QSO |
6305,1 | unid | 14.33- | 13331 | only visible |
6315,1 | R. Altrex | 16.55-16.56*, 17.04- | 34343 | E, QSY to 6316,2 and soon back |
6316.2 | unid | 16.56- | 33232 | mx |
6320 | unid | 14.00- | 25332 | mx |
6324,5 | unid | 16.25- | 24342 | D, QSO |
6324,8 | unid | 16.27- | 23332 | D, QSO |
6325 | unid | 17.02- | 25342 | mx |
6327 | unid | 14.44- | 14331 | mx |
6385 | unid | 14.46- | 14331 | mx |
6385 | R. FSM (tent.) | 17.09- | 25342 | E |
6510 | R. RisingSun (tent.) | 14.37- | 25332 | mx |
4.2.2012 | ||||
6220,4 | R. Telstar | 16.03- | 44343 | D |
6298,9 | unid | 18.39- | 45343 | D, QSO |
6299,9 | unid | 16.14- | 45333 | D, QSO |
6300 | unid | 16.05- | 45343 | mx |
6302,2 | R. Altrex (tent.) | 08.18- | 35343 | mx |
6374,5 | R. Caroline Int. | 16.06- | 45343 | E |
6383,8 | unid | 16.07- | 45333 | mx |
6510 | R. RisingSun (tent.) | 16.08- | 45333 | mx |
6930 | Irish Music Radio (tent.) | 17.53- | 25332 | mx |
6970 | LHH | 17.55- | 25332 | mx |
PropagationStats |
Solar X-rays: | From n3kl.org
Latest Ionograms: Sodankylä, Finland & Svalbard & Dourbes, Belgium & Juliusruh, Germany |