Saturday, May 12, 2012


3934,9 unid 20.24- 25332 mx
4015 LHH 19.30- 35333 E
5815,1 WMR 20.17- 45333 E
6236 unid 18.40-19.10* 45333 mx
6245 unid -19.11* 45343 mx
6290,7 R. Caroline & Rainbow 19.11- 45343 E
6305 R. Osaka (tent.) 19.14- 35333 mx
6324,8 R. Baling Boer (Black Bandit) 20.55- 45444 E
6385 unid 18.21- 24332 mx
6920LSB BSR 16.37- 33343 E
6940 Trans Europe Radio 19.23- 35343 E
6950 Irish Music Radio (tent.) 19.25- 25332 mx
6980 LHH 19.29- 15331 E
7600,1 unid 19.55- 14231 mx
7625 R. North Pole 20.26-20.48* 45333 E


  1. 6210U Pyton S9 19:56
    6325 Palingboer(text?)S9+20 20:46
    6240 Mr.Spaceman S9+20 21:15
    6990L Baltic Sea R. S3 21:31

  2. HI Rick,
    thanks for your log of us there again!
    Power this time had been 120watts
    instead of 150watts in normal cases.

    Radio Caroline/Rainbow International.
